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[P0000CKH] Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Dogs and Cats 적립금

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Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Dogs and Cats 기본 정보
소비자가 130,000원
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정가 13만원 -> 9만원 (적립금 5%)

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농경애니텍 간단 Book review 

농경애니텍의 자체적인 미니리뷰입니다.


Section I: Diseases and Disorders

 - 각 질병에 대한 내용이 아래와 같은 순서로 정리되어있읍니다.

1. Basic information

  1-1 Definition

  1-2 Epidemiology

  1-3 Clinical presentation

  1-4 Etiology and Pathphysiology


2. Diagnosis

  2-1 Differential Diagnosis

  2-2 Initial Diagnosis

  2-3 Advanced or Confirmatory Testing


3. Treatment

  3-1 Acute General treatment(질병에 따라 다름)

  3-2 Chronic Treatment(질병에 따라 다름)

  3-3 Drug Interactions

  3-4 Possible Complications

  3-5 Recommended monitoring


4. Prognosis and Outcome


5. Pearls and considerations


Section II: Procedures and Techniques

 - 아래와 같은 순서로 정리되어있읍니다.

 (순서는 각 처치마다 차이가 있으며 아래는 blood pressure measurement 의 예입니다)

1. Basic informations

  1-1 overview and goals

  1-2 Indications

  1-3 Equipment, Anesthesia

  1-4 Anticipated trime

  1-5 Preparation : Important checkpoints

  1-6 Possible complications and common errors to avoid

  1-7 Procedure

  1-8 Postprocedure

  1-9 Alternatives and teir relative Merits

Section III: Differential Diagnosis

  - 알파벳 순서로 정리된 각 질병에 대한 감별진단이 정리되어있읍니다.

Section IV: Laboratory Tests

- 각 chemistry value에 대한 내용이 아래와 같은 순서로 정리되어 있읍니다.

- basic information

- - definition

- - Synonyms

- - Typical normal range

- - Physiology

- - - cause of abnormally high levels

- - - next diagnosis step to consider if levels high

- - - cause of abnormally low levels

- - - next diagnosis step to consider if levels low

- - - drug effects on levels

- - - Lab artifacts that may interfere with readings of levels of this substance

- - - sample for collection and any special specimen handling notes

Section V: Clinical Algorithms

각 주요 증상에 의한 진단법이 알고리즘식으로 정리되어 있읍니다.

Section VI: Drug Formulary

각 약품에 대한 간단한 formulary가 수록되어 있읍니다.

도표에는 아래와 같이 정리되어 있읍니다.

- Generic name + Trade name

- Indications / Drug type

- Canine dose

- Feline dose

- Comments

- How the drug is supplied


농경애니텍 미니리뷰는 저작권의 보호를 받습니다.


Editorial Reviews

ReviewThat this comprehensive volume contains only 14 European residents amongst its total of 390 contributors and editors should not deter Europeans from purchasing it. The book, written in English, contains six separate but associated sections but also, after purchase, allows access to a linked companion website. One must understand that its range is limited to two species and does not attempt to cover the full range of species typically seen nowadays in companion animal practice. The first section, of over 1100 pages, would make a textbook in itself and is entitled Diseases and Disorders. Your reviewer consulted a number of subjects of particular interest to himself and believes that each provided an excellent and thorough overview of the subject, considering aetiology, diagnosis, differentials, therapy and prognosis along with what the authors term Pearls and Considerations. The second section of some 150 pages entitled Procedures and Techniques outlines a wide range of techniques. The third section covering differential diagnosis offers comprehensive lists which might confuse the inexperienced but might equally offer useful information to the experienced clinician in dealing with refractive cases. The fourth section, on laboratory tests, provides a good but concise analysis of some 150 tests and the signifi cance of abnormal results but also indicates which further tests might be of value in aiding diagnosis. The fi fth section contains 91 algorithms for common conditions. This section would be good for the inexperienced but would also assist the more experienced when their habitual diagnostic or therapeutic pathways have failed to produce resolution. The fi nal section, a drug formulary, is mostly relevant to North America. However it should be valid as a source of information to supplement those formularies available in Europe. The index appears to be comprehensive and comprises 43 pages. Illustrations are in black and white and, mostly, are of good quality. In all but the sixth section, the author of each individual item is identifi ed. The website which I, as a technophobe, found easy to access using the PIN printed in the books frontispiece, reproduces all of the printed text and some which is not present in the printed version. The major benefits of this website are downloadable Client Information Sheets (in English and Spanish) and the ability to reproduce the Procedures and Techniques illustrations; these might be used for reference but also to assist in explanations to clients of radiographs or of techniques proposed to be applied to patients. The book does not claim to be an exhaustivestudy of any particular condition. It does however, in my opinion, provide more than just the basic information. Its value seems to be particularly relevant to the inexperienced. Students could find it useful but its main application would seem to be to the recent graduate or to those returning to the profession after a career-break, even if only to enable them to verify those decisions already taken during consultations. It does appear to merit a place in the typical practice library. Reviewed by Freddie J. Marshall BVMS MRCVS (UK)for EJCAP Book DescriptionQuickly diagnose and treat virtually any disorder in dogs and cats with this all-in-one resource.CLINICAL VETERINARY ADVISOR is an efficient, comprehensive reference for tapping into essential diagnostic and therapeutic information for dogs and cats. Covering hundreds of current topics, this authoritative text is really six books in one, making it the ideal resource for the busy small animal practitioner. The six main sections are Diseases and Disorders, Procedures and Techniques, Differential Diagnosis, Laboratory Tests, Clinical Algorithms, and a Drug Formulary.

Other quick references charge extra for access to online information, but not CLINICAL VETERINARY ADVISOR. The companion website includes a fully searchable electronic version of the text, a searchable drug formulary, and 100 customizable Client Education Sheets in both English and Spanish.

   Mosby Title
ISBN: 0323036988
ISBN-13: 9780323036986


Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Dogs and Cats
By Etienne Cote, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology and Small Animal Internal Medicine)

Approx. 1744 pages Approx. 440 illustrations
Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Copyright 2007
Hardcover, Reference





No other quick reference comes close to providing this much accurate, timely, and clinically useful diagnostic and therapeutic information. It's like six books in one -- Diseases and Disorders, Procedures and Techniques, Differential Diagnosis, Laboratory Tests, Clinical Algorithms, and a Drug Formulary. Plus, it includes free access to a fully searchable companion website featuring an electronic version of the text, a searchable drug formulary, and 100 customizable Client Education Sheets in both English and Spanish.

Key Features

  • This text brings together the expertise of 21 internationally recognized authorities as contributing editors and 300 leading clinician-authors into a single, comprehensive source.
  • A wealth of high-quality illustrations clearly demonstrates key concepts and procedures.
  • Section I: Diseases and Disorders provides at-a-glance coverage of more than 700 common medical problems, arranged alphabetically for immediate access. Each entry presents the topic in the sequence it follows clinically, including: history and physical exam findings, diagnostic testing, treatment (including specific medications and dosages), prognosis, and recommended monitoring. References for each topic support the data presented.
  • Section II: Procedures and Techniques offers illustrated, step-by-step instructions for understanding and performing 89 important clinical procedures.
  • Section III: Differential Diagnosis displays nearly every possible cause for 263 different clinical disorders.
  • Section IV: Laboratory Tests summarizes essential information needed for interpreting more than 150 laboratory tests.
  • Section V: Clinical Algorithms provides decision trees for the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes involved in managing more than 90 of the most common clinical conditions/disorders.
  • Section VI: Drug Formulary is a compilation of dosages and other relevant information for more than 300 new and current medications.
  • A companion website includes the complete text of the book in a fully searchable format, which allows quick identification of any topic and its related information in the six different sections. The website also includes 100 customizable Client Education Sheets, each available in both English and Spanish.

Related Titles

Table Of Contents

Section I: Diseases and Disorders
Section II: Procedures and Techniques
Section III: Differential Diagnosis
Section IV: Laboratory Tests
Section V: Clinical Algorithms
Section VI: Drug Formulary

Author Information

By Etienne Cote, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology and Small Animal Internal Medicine), Assistant Professor, Department of Companion Animals, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada


배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
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