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[P0000CSU] The Feline Patient 4/E (2010) New 적립금

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The Feline Patient 4/E (2010) 기본 정보
소비자가 200,000원
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※ 농경애니텍에서 제공하는 모든 미니리뷰는 농경애니텍의 사적인 의견이 다분하며 저작권이 농경애니텍에 귀속됩니다.  본 리뷰뿐 아니라 상세설명을 허락없이 무단으로 옮기는 것은 사양합니다


이전에도 그랬지만 2006년 3판 발간이후 Feline Patient는 고양이진료에 있어서 가장 1순위로 선택하는 지침서의 자리를 지켜왔읍니다.  하지만 하루가 다르게 발전하는 고양이에 대한 수의학적 지식에 대한 아쉬움이 있어왔읍니다.

5년 가까운 기간동안 준비된 4판이 드디어 11월말 국내에 입고되어 공급됩니다.


본 개정판에서의 특이점은 아래와 같습니다.


1. 분량증가 : 3판 776p → 4판 1072p로 30% 이상의 지면이 늘어났읍니다.

2. 500장 이상의 새로운 사진이 추가되었읍니다.

3. 84개의 새로운 챕터가 수록되었읍니다.

4. Imaging 섹션에서는 CT와 MRI를 새로이 다루고 있읍니다.

5. behavior, clinical procedure, 그리고 surgery 섹션에서 많은 내용의 보강이 있읍니다.

6. Surgery 섹션은 마취, Corneal Surgery,  십자인대손상, 레이저수술, 슬개골탈구 등을 포함한 14개의 챕터가 추가되었읍니다.



The Feline Patient, 4th Edition
Gary D. Norsworthy, Sharon Fooshee Grace, Mitchell A. Crystal, Larry P. Tilley
ISBN: 978-0-8138-1848-1
1072 pages
November 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
The Feline Patient, Fourth Edition maintains its tradition of providing a comprehensive yet accessible reference to feline diseases. Topics are arranged alphabetically within sections, allowing busy clinicians to rapidly find information on diagnostics and treatment options, all specific to the unique needs of cats. Now bigger and better than ever, the user-friendly Fourth Edition offers a wealth of reliable, up-to-date information for managing feline patients.

This revision includes more than 500 additional clinical photographs and 84 new chapters, with significant expansions to the behavior, clinical procedures, and surgery sections. CT and MRI modalities have been added to the imaging section, already the most extensive collection of feline radiographs and ultrasounds in print. The Feline Patient, Fourth Edition  is an essential resource for all practitioners seeing feline patients.

Special Features:

• Offers quick access to comprehensive information on diagnosing and treating diseases in cats
• Fully updated with more than 500 additional clinical photographs and 84 new chapters
• Extensive imaging section now covers CT and MRI as well as radiology and ultrasound
• Contains fourteen new surgery chapters including anesthesia, corneal surgery, cruciate rupture, laser surgery, and luxating patella
• Significant expansion of the behavior, clinical procedure, and surgery sections with numerous new chapters added
• Includes contributions from a global list of authors for increased international perspective

  • Offers quick access to comprehensive information on diagnosing and treating diseases in cats
  • General updates throughout, including more than 500 additional clinical photographs and 84 additional chapters
  • Extensive imaging section now covers CT and MRI
  • Significant expansion of the behavior, clinical procedure, and surgery sections
  • Chapters written by a global list of contributors for increased international perspective

About the Founding Authors

Gary D. Norsworthy,
DVM, DABVP (Feline) is the Editor of the 3rd Edition. He has been in private practice for over 30 years and is owner of Alamo Feline Health Center, one of the largest feline practices in the United States. He is a frequent lecturer on feline topics for state, regional, national, and international veterinary conferences.

Mitchell A. Crystal,
DVM, DACVIM (Internal Medicine), is the Chief of Medicine of North Florida Veterinary Specialists. Prior to opening one of Florida’s premier referral centers, he was an Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University, College of Veterinary Medicine.

Sharon Fooshee Grace,
DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline), DACVIM (Internal Medicine), was in private practice for many years before joining the faculty of Mississippi State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. She had a deep interest in feline medicine before it was popular to be feline focused.

Larry P. Tilley,
DVM, DACVIM (Internal Medicine) is an internationally acclaimed expert in cardiology of cats and dogs. He has authored or edited several textbooks on cardiology, electrocardiography, and internal medicine, including The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult.


※ 출판사 웹사이트의 목차가 실제책과 상이하여 농경애니텍에서 수정하여 게시합니다. 

Section 1: Diseases and Conditions
1 Acetaminophen Toxicosis  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 5
2 Acne  >Christine A. Rees / 7
3 Acromegaly  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 8
4 Actinomycosis  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 10
5 Adenocarcinoma and Carcinoma  >Mark Robson / 12
6 Amyloidosis  >Andrew Sparkes / 14
7 Anal Sac Disease  >Gary D. Norsworthy / 16
8 Anaplasmosis  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 18
9 Anemia  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 19
10 Anorexia  >Mitchell A. Crystal / 22
11 Aortic Stenosis  >Larry P. Tilley / 24
12 Arrhythmias  >Larry P. Tilley and Francis W. K. Smith, Jr. / 26
13 Ascites  >Larry P. Tilley / 28
14 Aspergillosis  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 30
15 Aspirin Toxicosis  >Sharon Fooshee Grace / 32
16 Atopic Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 33
17 Bartonellosis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 35
18 Basal Cell Tumor  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 37
19 Biliary Cysts  Michele Fradin-Ferme / 39
20 Bite Wounds: Canine  Gary D. Norsworthy / 41
21 Bite Wounds: Feline  Gary D. Norsworthy / 44
22 Blastomycosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 46
23 Blindness  Karen R. Brantman and Harriet J. Davidson / 48
24 Bordetella Infection  Teija Kaarina Viita-aho / 50
25 Brachial Plexus Neuropathy  Gary D. Norsworthy / 52
26 Brachycephalic Syndrome  Mac Maxwell and Gary D. Norsworthy / 53
27 Bronchial Disease, Chronic  Philip Padrid / 58
28 Calicivirus Infection  Gary D. Norsworthy / 62
29 Carcinomatosis  Bradley R. Schmidt / 65
30 Cardiopulmonary Arrest  Larry P. Tilley / 67
31 Cataracts  Shelby L. Reinstein and Harriet J. Davidson / 70
32 Ceruminous Gland Disease  Mark Robson / 72
33 Cervical Ventro? exion  Mitchell A. Crystal and Paula B. Levine / 74
34 Chemotherapy for Lymphoma  Mitchell A. Crystal and Bradley R. Schmidt / 76
35 Chlamydophila Infection  Teija Kaarina Viita-aho / 81
36 Chylothorax  Gary D. Norsworthy / 83
37 Cobalamin De? ciency  Jorg M. Steiner / 85
38 Coccidiomycosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 87
39 Coccidiosis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 89
40 Constipation and Obstipation  Sharon Fooshee Grace and Mitchell A. Crystal / 91
41 Corneal Ulcers  Gwen H. Sila and Harriet J. Davidson / 93
42 Coughing  Gary D. Norsworthy / 96
43 Cryptococcosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 97
44 Cryptosporidiosis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 100
45 Cutaneous Markers of Internal Disease  Christine A. Rees / 102
46 Cuterebra  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 104
47 Cytauxzoonosis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 106
48 Dermatophytosis  Christine A. Rees / 108
49 Diabetes Insipidus  Andrew Sparkes / 111
50 Diabetes Mellitus: Chronic Complications  Gary D. Norsworthy / 113
51 Diabetes Mellitus: Ketoacidosis  Jacquie Rand / 115
52 Diabetes Mellitus: Uncomplicated  Jacquie Rand / 118
53 Diaphragmatic Hernia  Gary D. Norsworthy / 121
54 Diarrhea  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 124
55 Digital Diseases  Mitchell A. Crystal and Paula B. Levine / 126
56 Dilated Cardiomyopathy  Larry P. Tilley / 129
57 Draining Tracts and Nodules  Christine A. Rees / 131
58 Dysautonomia  Karen M. Lovelace / 134
59 Dyspnea  Gary D. Norsworthy / 136
60 Dystocia  Gary D. Norsworthy / 138
61 Dysuria, Pollakiuria, and Stranguria  Gary D. Norsworthy / 140
62 Ear Mites  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 143
63 Envenomization: Arachnids  Tatiana Weissova / 145
64 Envenomization: Insects  Tatiana Weissova / 148
65 Envenomization: Snakes  Tatiana Weissova / 151
66 Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex  Christine A. Rees / 154
67 Eosinophilic Keratitis  Gwen H Sila and Harriet J. Davidson / 157
68 Epilepsy  Teija Kaarina Viita-aho / 159
69 Esophageal Disease  Andrew Sparkes / 162
70 Ethylene Glycol Toxicity  Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy / 167
71 Exocrine Pancreatic Insuf? ciency  Jorg M. Steiner / 169
72 Eyelid Diseases and Surgery  Gwen H. Sila and Harriet J. Davidson / 171
73 Feline Enteric Coronavirus Infection  Amanda L. Lumsden and Gary D. Norsworthy / 175
74 Feline Idiopathic Cystitis  Tatiana Weissova and Gary D. Norsworthy / 176
75 Feline Immunode? ciency Virus Infection  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 179
76 Feline Infectious Peritonitis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 181
77 Feline Leukemia Virus Diseases  Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Gary D. Norsworthy / 184
78 Fever  Mitchell A. Crystal and Paula B. Levine / 187
79 Flea Allergy Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 189
80 Fleas  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 191
81 Flukes: Liver, Biliary, and Pancreatic  Gary D. Norsworthy / 193
82 Food Reaction  Christine A. Rees / 195
83 Giardiasis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 197
84 Gingivitis-Stomatitis-Pharyngitis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 199
85 Glaucoma  Shelby L. Reinstein and Harriet J. Davidson / 202
86 Glomerulonephritis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 205
87 Granulosa Cell Tumor  Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa and Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza / 207
88 Heartworm Disease  Jane E. Brunt / 208
89 Heinz Body and Methemoglobinemia Anemia  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 211
90 Helicobacter  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 213
91 Hemangiosarcoma  Bradley R. Schmidt / 215
92 Hemoplasmosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace and Gary D. Norsworthy / 218
93 Hepatic Lipidosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 220
94 Hepatitis, In? ammatory  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 222
95 Herpesvirus Infection  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 225
96 High-Rise Syndrome  Mitchell A. Crystal / 228
97 Histoplasmosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 231
98 Hookworms  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 234
99 Horner°Øs Syndrome Sharon Fooshee Grace / 235
100 Hydronephrosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 237
101 Hyperadrenocorticism  Karen M. Lovelace / 239
102 Hyperaldosteronism  Andrew Sparkes / 241
103 Hypercalcemia  Michele Fradin-Ferme / 243
104 Hypereosinophilic Syndrome  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 245
105 Hyperesthesia Syndrome  Amanda L. Lumsden / 246
106 Hyperkalemia  Michele Fradin-Ferme / 247
107 Hypertension, Systemic  Beate Egner / 250
108 Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy  Beate Egner / 254
109 Hyperthyroidism  Mitchell A. Crystal and Gary D. Norsworthy / 256
110 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  Larry P. Tilley / 261
111 Hypoadrenocorticism  Karen M. Lovelace / 265
112 Hypoalbuminemia  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 267
113 Hypocalcemia  Karen M. Lovelace / 270
114 Hypokalemia  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 272
115 Hypomagnesemia  Michele Fradin-Ferme / 274
116 Hypophosphatemia  Stephanie G. Gandy-Moody / 275
117 Icterus  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 277
118 Idiopathic Ulcerative Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 280
119 Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia  Anthony P. Carr / 282
120 Inflammatory Bowel Disease  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 284
121 Inflammatory Polyps and Masses  Gary D. Norsworthy / 287
122 Intraocular Tumors  Karen R. Brantman and Harriet J. Davidson / 290
123 Ischemic Encephalopathy  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 292
124 Keratitis and Conjunctivitis  Shelby L. Reinstein and Harriet J. Davidson / 294
125 Kidneys, Abnormal Size  Gary D. Norsworthy / 297
126 Laryngeal Disease  Andrew Sparkes / 298
127 Leprosy Syndrome  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 302
128 Linear Foreign Body  Gary D. Norsworthy / 304
129 Lung Parasites  Gary D. Norsworthy / 306
130 Lymphoma  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 308
131  Malassezia Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 313
132 Mammary Gland Neoplasia  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 314
133 Mammary Hyperplasia  Gary D. Norsworthy / 317
134 Manx Syndrome  Vanessa Pimentel de Faria / 318
135 Mast Cell Tumors  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 320
136 Megacolon  Mitchell A. Crystal / 323
137 Meningioma  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 326
138 Mesothelioma  Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa / 328
139 Metaldehyde Toxicity  Tatiana Weissova / 330
140 Miliary Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 332
141 Mitral Valve Dysplasia  Larry P. Tilley / 333
142 Murmurs  Larry P. Tilley and Francis W. K. Smith, Jr. / 334
143 Myasthenia Gravis  Paula Schuerer and Sharon Fooshee Grace / 336
144 Mycobacterial Diseases, Rapidly Growing  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 338
145 Myiasis  Elizabeth Macdonald / 340
146 Nasal Discharge  Gary D. Norsworthy / 342
147 Nasal-Frontal Sinus Infection  Gary D. Norsworthy / 344
148 Nasal Myiasis  Sarah M. Webb / 347
149 Nasopharyngeal Disease  Arnold Plotnick / 349
150 Neonatal Isoerythrolysis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 352
151 Neurogenic Bladder  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 354
152 Nocardiosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 356
153 Obesity  Mark Robson, Mitchell A. Crystal, and Debra L. Zoran / 358
154 Oral Neoplasia  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 361
155 Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 364
156 Osteoarthritis  Andrew Sparkes / 366
157 Otitis Externa  Gary D. Norsworthy / 369
158 Otitis Media and Interna  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 374
159 Pancreatitis, Acute  Jorg M. Steiner / 377
160 Pancreatitis, Chronic  Jorg M. Steiner / 380
161 Panleukopenia (Feline Parvovirus Infection)  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 382
162 Panniculitis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 384
163 Paraneoplastic Syndromes  Mark Robson / 386
164 Patent Ductus Arteriosis  Larry P. Tilley / 388
165 Pectus Excavatum  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 390
166 Pemphigus Foliaceus  Christine A. Rees / 392
167 Perinephric Pseudocysts  Fernanda Vieira Amorim da Costa / 394
168 Peritonitis, Septic  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 397
169 Plague (Yersiniosis)  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 400
170 Plant Toxicities  Karen M. Lovelace / 402
171 Pleural Effusion  Gary D. Norsworthy / 412
172 Pneumothorax  Gary D. Norsworthy / 414
173 Pododermatitis: Lymphoplasmacytic  Richard Malik and Gary D. Norsworthy / 416
174 Polycystic Kidney Disease  Gary D. Norsworthy / 418
175 Polydactylism  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 420
176 Polyphagic Weight Loss  Mitchell A. Crystal and Paula B. Levine / 422
177 Polyuria and Polydipsia  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 424
178 Portosystemic Shunt  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 426
179 Pulmonary Fibrosis  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 428
180 Pulmonic Stenosis  Larry P. Tilley / 430
181 Pyelonephritis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 432
182 Pyometra and Mucometra  Gary D. Norsworthy / 434
183 Pyothorax  Gary D. Norsworthy / 436
184 Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Toxicosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 439
185 Rabies  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 440
186 Recreational Drug Toxicosis  Tatiana Weissova / 442
187 Rectal Disease  Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza / 446
188 Refeeding Syndrome  Karen M. Lovelace / 449
189 Renal Failure, Acute  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 452
190 Renal Failure, Chronic  Gary D. Norsworthy / 455
191 Renal Insuf? ciency  Gary D. Norsworthy / 457
192 Restrictive Cardiomyopathy  Larry P. Tilley / 460
193 Retinal Disease  Karen R. Brantman and Harriet J. Davidson / 462
194 Rodenticide Toxicosis  Mitchell A. Crystal / 466
195 Roundworms  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 468
196 Salmonellosis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 470
197 Sarcomas, Injection Site  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 472
198 Sarcomas, Other  Mark Robson / 475
199 Scottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 478
200 Seizures  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 480
201 Skin Parasites  Christine A. Rees / 483
202 Sporotrichosis  Vanessa Pimentel de Faria / 487
203 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Cutaneous  Bradley R. Schmidt and Mitchell A. Crystal / 489
204 Stomach Worms  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 492
205 Stud Tail  Christine A. Rees / 493
206 Tail Injuries  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 494
207 Tapeworm Infections  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 496
208 Tetanus  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 498
209 Tetralogy of Fallot  Larry P. Tilley / 500
210 Thiamine De? ciency  Gary D. Norsworthy / 502
211 Third Eyelid Diseases  Gwen H. Sila and Harriet J. Davidson / 503
212 Thromboembolic Disease  Larry P. Tilley / 506
213 Thymoma  Bradley R. Schmidt / 509
214 Toxoplasmosis  Gary D. Norsworthy and Sharon Fooshee Grace / 512
215 Tracheal Disease  Andrew Sparkes / 515
216 Triad Disease  Anthony P. Carr / 519
217 Trichobezoars  Mitchell A. Crystal / 521
218 Tritrichomoniasis  Mark Robson and Mitchell A. Crystal / 523
219 Ureteral Obstruction  Rhett Marshall / 526
220 Urethral Obstruction  Rhett Marshall / 530
221 Urinary Bladder Tumors  Bradley R. Schmidt / 535
222 Urolithiasis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 538
223 Uveitis  Gwen H. Sila and Harriet J. Davidson / 543
224 Ventricular Septal Defect  Larry P. Tilley / 546
225 Vestibular Syndrome  Mitchell A. Crystal / 548
226 Viral Dermatitis  Christine A. Rees / 550
227 Vitamin A Toxicosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 552
228 Vitamin D Toxicosis  Gary D. Norsworthy / 553
229 Vomiting  Mitchell A. Crystal and Paula B. Levine / 555
230 Weight Loss  Mitchell A. Crystal and Mark C. Walker / 558
Section 2: Behavior
231 Aggression towards Humans  Debra F. Horwitz / 563
232 Catnip Effects  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 566
233 Environmental Enrichment in the Home  Debra F. Horwitz / 567
234 Environmental Enrichment in the Hospital  Gary D. Norsworthy and Linda Schmeltzer / 571
235 Housesoiling  Debra F. Horwitz / 577
236 Intercat Aggression  Debra F. Horwitz / 581
237 Marking  Debra F. Horwitz / 584
238 Psychogenic Alopecia  Debra F. Horwitz / 587
239 Behavioral Pharmaceuticals  Debra F. Horwitz / 591
Section 3: Dentistry
240 Dental Examination  R. B. Wiggs and B. C. Bloom / 597
241 Dental Prophylaxis  R. B. Wiggs, S. L. Ruth, and B. C. Bloom / 599
242 Endodontics and Restorations  R. B. Wiggs, S. L. Ruth, and B. C. Bloom / 602
243 Extractions  R. B. Wiggs, B. C. Bloom, and S. L. Ruth / 606
244 Dental Resorption  R. B. Wiggs, B. C. Bloom, and S. L. Ruth / 608
245 Oral and Dental Radiography  R. B. Wiggs, B. C. Bloom, and S. L. Ruth / 610
Section 4: Surgery
246 Anesthesia: Local  Ludovic Pelligand / 617
247 Anesthesia: Sedation and General  Ludovic Pelligand / 620
248 Bulla Osteotomy: Ventral Approach  Don R. Waldron / 626
249 Colectomy  Don R. Waldron / 631
250 Corneal Surgery  Gwen H. Sila / 636
251 Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture  Mac Maxwell / 638
252 Cryptorchidism Surgery  Mac Maxwell / 640
253 Esophagostomy Tube Placement  Gary D. Norsworthy / 642
254 Frontal Sinus Obliteration  Gary D. Norsworthy / 646
255 Gastrostomy Tube Placement  Don R. Waldron / 649
256 Jejunostomy Tube Placement  Don R. Waldron / 651
257 Laser Surgery, CO   John C. Godbold, Jr. / 655
256 Jejunostomy Tube Placement  Don R. Waldron / 651
258 Lip Avulsion Replacement  Gary D. Norsworthy / 660
259 Luxating Patella  Otto Lanz / 662
260 Mandibular Symphyseal Separation  Don R. Waldron / 664
261 Mastectomy  Don R. Waldron / 666
262 Nasopharyngeal Polyp or Mass Removal  Gary D. Norsworthy / 667
263 Nephrolith Removal  Don R. Waldron / 670
264 Onychectomy  Don R. Waldron / 673
265 Oronasal Fistula Repair  Heloisa Justen Moreira de Souza / 676
266 Pain Management  Sabine Tacke / 682
267 Perivulvar Skin Fold Removal  Gary D. Norsworthy / 685
268 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation  Barbara Bockstahler and David Levine / 687
269 Rhinotomy  Gary D. Norsworthy / 691
270 Sliding Skin Flaps  Mac Maxwell / 693
271 Subcutaneous Fluid Catheter Placement  Gary D. Norsworthy / 696
272 Thoracostomy Tube Placement  Don R. Waldron / 698
273 Thyroidectomy  Gary D. Norsworthy / 701
274 Total Ear Canal Ablation and Lateral Bulla Osteotomy  Don R. Waldron / 704
275 Ureterolith Removal  Don R. Waldron / 707
276 Urethrostomy, Perineal  Don R. Waldron / 709
277 Urethrostomy, Prepubic  Don R. Waldron / 712
278 Urinary Bladder Marsupialization  Gary D. Norsworthy / 715
Section 5: Cytology
279 Samp le Staining  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 719
280 Inflammation versus Neoplasia: Differentiation  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 721
281 Adenocarcinoma  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 728
282 Atypical Bacterial Infections  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 730
283 Fibrosarcoma  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 732
284 Hepatic Lipidosis  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 734
285 Lymph Node Disease  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 736
286 Lymphoma  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 738
287 Mast Cell Tumors  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 740
288 Pleural Effusions  Amy C. Valenciano, Rick L. Cowell, and Tara P. Arndt / 742
289 Systemic Fungal Disease  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 746
290 Transtracheal Wash Hemosiderosis  Tara P. Arndt, Rick L. Cowell, and Amy C. Valenciano / 749
Section 6: Imaging
291 Imaging: The Thorax  Merrilee Holland and Judith Hudson / 753
292 Imaging: The Abdomen  Merrilee Holland and Judith Hudson / 784
293 Imaging: The Head and Spine  Merrilee Holland and Judith Hudson / 828
294 Imaging: Cardiovascular Disease  Merrilee Holland and Judith Hudson / 849
Section 7: Clinical Procedures
295 Blood Transfusion  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 879
296 Bone Marrow Aspiration  Mitchell A. Crystal / 882
297 Central Venous Catheter Placement  Mitchell A. Crystal / 885
298 Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection  Mitchell A. Crystal / 888
299 Eye Examination  Karen R. Brantman and Harriet J. Davidson / 890
300 Euthanasia  Amanda L. Lumsden and Gary D. Norsworthy / 893
301 Fine-Needle Biopsy  Mitchell A. Crystal / 896
302 Fluid Therapy  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 898
303 Jugular Blood Collection  Gary D. Norsworthy / 902
304 Lung Aspiration  Karen M. Lovelace / 904
305 Nasal Sampling  Gary D. Norsworthy / 906
306 Necropsy of Kittens  Michele Fradin-Ferme / 908
307 Neurologic Examination  Stephanie G. Gandy-Moody / 910
308 Orogastric Tube Feeding  Gary D. Norsworthy / 913
309 Polymerase Chain Reaction Testing  Christian M. Leutenegger / 915
310 Restraint Devices and Techniques  Gary D. Norsworthy / 920
311 Testing Procedures  Mitchell A. Crystal and Gary D. Norsworthy / 924
312 Therapeutic Laser Applications  Ronald J. Riegel / 928
Section 8: Appendices
313 Age Approximation  Karen M. Lovelace / 933
314 Anatomical Differences in Cats and Dogs  Clay Anderson and James E. Smallwood / 937
315 Body Surface Area Conversion  Gary D. Norsworthy / 939
316 Breed Speci? c Diseases  James K. Olson / 940
317 Cattery Hygiene  Suvi Pohjola-Stenroos / 943
318 Echocardiographic Tables  Larry P. Tilley and Francis W. K. Smith, Jr. / 945
319 Electrocardiographic Tables  Larry P. Tilley and Francis W. K. Smith, Jr. / 947
320 Feral and Free-Roaming Cats  Christine L. Wilford / 948
321 Grief Response by Cat Owners  Larry A. Norsworthy, Kacee Junco, and Brooke Woodrow / 954
322 Hospital Hygiene  Suvi Pohjola-Stenroos / 957
323 Life Stage Guidelines AAFP/AAHA / 960
324 Normal Laboratory Values  Gary D. Norsworthy and Teija Kaarina Viita-aho / 977
325 Pregnancy, Parturition, and Lactation  Teija Kaarina Viita-aho / 979
326 Purring  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 982
327 Renal Transplantation  Daniel A. Degner / 984
328 Vibrissae  Sharon Fooshee Grace / 987
329 Zoonotic Diseases  Suvi Pohjola-Stenroos / 989

Section 9: Formulary
330 Drug Formulary  Gary D. Norsworthy, Linda Schmeltzer, Sharon Fooshee Grace, and Mitchell A. Crystal / 999



배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
    고객님께서 주문하신 상품은 입금 확인후 배송해 드립니다. 다만, 상품종류에 따라서 상품의 배송이 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
    고객님께서 주문하신 도서라도 도매상 및 출판사 사정에 따라 품절/절판 등의 사유로 취소될 수 있습니다.  입금확인이 되면 익일발송(주말,공휴일제외)을 원칙으로 합니다.

교환 및 반품 정보

교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우
- 상품을 공급 받으신 날로부터 7일이내 내용이 파본일 경우
   단, 비닐포장을 개봉하였거나 내용물이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우에는 교환/반품이 불가능합니다.
- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과
  다르거나 다르게 이행된 경우에는 공급받은 날로부터 3월이내, 그사실을 알게 된 날로부터 30일이내

교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우. 단, 상품의 내용을 확인하기 위하여
  포장 등을 훼손한 경우는 제외
- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 

- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 복제가 가능한 상품등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
  (자세한 내용은 고객만족센터 1:1 E-MAIL상담을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.)

※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.

서비스 문의

자세한 내용은 메일 또는 카카오톡 ID vbooks 핸드폰 010-4724-3240 을 이용 바랍니다

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