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[P0000CXA] Small Animal Surgery, 4th Edition [일반판] 적립금

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Small Animal Surgery, 4th Edition [일반판] 기본 정보
소비자가 240,000원
  • 7,200 (3.00%)
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상품코드 P0000CXA


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Small Animal Surgery, 4th Edition [일반판]

  • Reference
  • 1640 Pages
  • Trim Size: 8 3/4 X 11 1/16 in
  • Imprint: Mosby
  • ISBN: 9780323100793
  • Copyright: 2013

    The fourth edition of Small Animal Surgery serves as a one-stop resource for authoritative information on all aspects of small animal surgery. Coverage includes basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries like craniotomy, ventral slots, and lung lobectomy. New contributors bring a fresh perspective and discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology.

    Table of Contents

    Part I: General Surgical Principles

    1. Principles of Surgical Asepsis

    2. Sterilization and Disinfection

    3. Surgical Facilities, Equipment, and Personnel and Care and Maintenance of the Surgical Environment

    4. Preoperative and Intraoperative Care of the Surgical Patient

    5. Preparation of the Operative Site

    6. Preparation of the Surgical Team

    7. Surgical Instrumentation

    8. Biomaterials, Suturing, and Suture Patterns
    9. Surgical Infections and Antibiotic Selection

    10. Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient

    11. Fundamentals of Physical Rehabilitation

    12. Perioperative Multimodal Analgesic Therapy

    13. Principles of Minimally Invasive Surgery

    14. Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy

    15. Advanced Imaging for Surgeons



    Part II: Soft Tissue Surgery

    1. Surgery of the Integumentary System

    2. Surgery of the Eye

    3. Surgery of the Ear

    4. Surgery of the Abdominal Cavity

    5. Surgery of the Digestive System

    6. Surgery of the Liver

    7. Surgery of the Extrahepatic Biliary System

    8. Surgery of the Endocrine System

    9. Surgery of the Hemolymphatic System

    10. Surgery of the Kidney and Ureter

    11. Surgery of the Bladder and Urethra

    12. Surgery of the Reproductive and Genital Systems

    13. Surgery of the Cardiovascular System

    14. Surgery of the Upper Respiratory System

    15. Surgery of the Lower Respiratory System: Lungs and Thoracic Wall
    16. Surgery of the Lower Respiratory System: Pleural Cavity and Diaphragm


    Part III: Orthopedics

    1. Fundamentals of Orthopedic Surgery and Fracture Management
    2. Management of Specific Fractures

    3. Diseases of the Joints

    4. Management of Muscle and Tendon Injury or Disease

    5. Other Diseases of Bones and Joints



    Part IV: Neurosurgery

    1. Neurodiagnostic Overview for the Small Animal Surgeon

    2. Neurologic Examination and Relevant Neuroanatomy

    3. Surgery of the Brain

    4. Surgery of the Cervical Spine

    5. Surgery of the Thoracolumbar Spine
    6. Surgery of the Cauda Equina

    7. Nonsurgical Disorders of the Brain and Spine

    8. Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

      New to This Edition

        • A new chapter on neurologic examination provides a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, electro-diagnostics, and basic MRI physics and principles, enabling you to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs, some of which can be corrected via surgical repair.

        • A new chapter on regenerative medicine provides the most current information on stem cell research.

        • Differential diagnosis tables and boxes offer quick access to vital information, including how to avoid misdiagnosis of disorders that may mimic more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair

      Key Features

        • Well illustrated, step-by-step instructions for surgical techniques provide quick reference to practical how-to information in emergency and clinical situations.
        • Coverage of cutting-edge imaging techniques, including radiographs, CT, MRI, and digital imaging, explores the most useful imaging modalities for demonstrating areas of surgical concern.
        • Over 1500 full color images offer exceptionally clear representations of anatomy and currently accepted surgical techniques, including approaches and closure.
        • Anesthesia Protocols offer easy access to recommendations for anesthetizing animals with particular diseases or disorders.
        • Notes boxes call attention to specific data, offering at-a-glance access to key information.

      Author Information

      By Theresa Welch Fossum, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl ACVS, Department of Small Animal Medicine & Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX


    배송 정보

    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
    • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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    교환 및 반품 정보

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    - 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과
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