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[P0000CXL] Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care 2012 New 적립금

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Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care 2012 기본 정보
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Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care

Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon (Editor), Harold Davis (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-8138-1337-0
888 pages
June 2012, Wiley-Blackwell



  • Description
    Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a comprehensive yet practical reference, providing hands-on information essential to veterinarians and veterinary technicians involved in emergency and critical care. Written by an expert team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians, this well-referenced book offers step-by-step protocols for performing advanced emergency and critical care procedures and monitoring techniques. Packed with practical guidance in an easy-to-use format, this book is ideally suited for quick access in emergency rooms or intensive care units.

    Organized primarily by body system, each chapter covers general principles, indications, equipment, techniques, basic interpretation, troubleshooting, and contraindications. Standardized protocols supply equipment lists and step-by-step instructions throughout, and a companion website offers images from the book in PowerPoint and protocols as downloadable Word files.  Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a valuable resource for any veterinary staff member with an interest in improving the standard of care in emergency and critical care medicine.

    • Comprehensive, practical reference for advanced technical procedures in emergency and critical care
    • Organized by body system and general topics with an easy-to-use format
    • Provides reliable, hands-on information for the proper performance of monitoring and emergency care techniques
    • Offers well-referenced recommendations to improve the standard of care
    • Written by an expert international team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians
    • Includes access to a companion website presenting images from the book in PowerPoint and protocols as downloadable Word files at www.wiley.com/go/burkittcreedon



  • Reviews


    “I think this book is a must-read for all veterinary professionals, especially those in the emergency field. Readers beware: once you pick this book up you may not be able to put it down!”  (The VIN Book Reviews,
    21 November 2012) 

    “This is a complete and well-referenced compilation of relevant information small animal emergency care.”  (Doody’s, 8 February 2013)

    "Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon and Harold Davis edit ADVANCED MONITORING AND PROCEDURES FOR SMALL ANIMAL EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE (9780813813370, $129.99), which deserves ongoing recommendation and mention as simply an outstanding practical reference providing hands-on information key to vets and technicians working in the field."  (Bookwatch, 1 December 2012)

    "Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care offers a comprehensive reference key to vets and veterinary technicians involved in emergency and critical care, and comes from a team of veterinarians who provide step-by-step protocols for performing advanced emergency and critical care procedures."  (The Bookwatch, 1 November 2012)

    “Anybody, whether in emergency or general practice, who would like a quick reference practical book to improve their treatment of critical care and emergency patients will love this book.  At £79.99 it is good value for money given the huge content contained within it.”  (Veterinary Practice, 1 November 2012)



    1. Introduction to Small Animal Emergency Practice.

    2. Introduction to Intensive Care.

    Section I: Cardiovascular.

    3. Catheterization of the Venous Compartment.

    4. Arterial Puncture and Catheter Placement.

    5. Electrocardiography.

    6. Basic Electrocardiogram Interpretation.

    7. Principles of Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring.

    8. Indirect Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring.

    9. Direct Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring.

    10. Central Venous Pressure Monitoring.

    11. Use of the Pulmonary Arterial Catheter.

    12. Bedside Echocardiography.

    13. Other Cardiac Output Monitoring Techniques.

    14. Monitoring Tissue Perfusion: Clinicopathologic Aids and Advanced Techniques.

    15. CPR Techniques.

    16. Defibrillation.

    17. Temporary Pacemakers.

    18. Emergency Thoracotomy.

    19. Pericardiocentesis.

    Section II: Respiratory.

    20. Oxygen Therapy.

    21. Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation.

    22. Pulse Oximetry and Co-oximetry.

    23. Rapid Sequence Intubation.

    24. Tracheostomy Tube Placement.

    25. Artificial Airway Management.

    26. End-Tidal CO2 monitoring.

    27. Mechanical Ventilation.

    28. Basic ventilator waveform analysis.

    29. Pleural Space Drainage.

    30. Thoracic Imaging in the Critically Ill Patient.

    Section III: Renal.

    31. Urinary Catheter Placement.

    32. Urine Evaluation.

    33. Peritoneal Dialysis.

    34. Hemodialysis.

    Section IV: The Abdomen.

    35. Peritoneal Evaluation.

    36. Gastrointestinal Decompression and Decontamination.

    37. Management of the Open Abdomen.

    Section V: Nutrition.

    38. Nutritional Requirements in Critical Illness.

    39. Assisted Enteral Feeding.

    40. Parenteral nutrition.

    41. Enteral Diets.

    Section VI: Analgesia and Anesthesia.

    42. Pain Control.

    43. Drug Administration.

    44. Systemic Analgesia – basic overview of these classes with patient considerations included.

    45. Local Analgesia.

    46. Monitoring the Anesthetized Patient.

    47. Nursing Care of the Long-Term Anesthetized Patient.

    Section VII: Clinicopathologic Techniques.

    48. Blood Sample Collection and Handling.

    49. In-house Hematological Evaluation.

    50. Serum Electrolyte Evaluation.

    51. Osmolality and Colloid Osmotic Pressure Measurements.

    52. Cytology.

    53. Blood Banking.

    54. Blood Typing and Cross-Matching.

    55. Transfusion Monitoring.

    Section VIII: (“Other”?) Monitoring Techniques.

    56. Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring.

    57. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring.

    Section IX: Special Nursing Considerations.

    58. Care of Indwelling Device Insertion Sites.

    59. Care of the Brain Injured Patient.

    60. Care of the Immobile Patient (?).

    61. Specialized Care.

    62. Aseptic Technique.

    63. Minimizing Nosocomial Infection.

    64. Handling Radioactive and Other Biohazardous Waste.

    65. Medical Charting.

    66. Compassion Fatigue


    저자 안내

    Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon, DVM, DACVECC, is Chief of the Emergency and Critical Care service at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

    Harold Davis, RVT, VTS (ECC), is Manager of the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Service at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.


  • 배송 정보

    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
    • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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