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[P0000CKL] Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 4th Edition이 발간되었읍니다. 적립금

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Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 4th Edition이 발간되었읍니다. 기본 정보
소비자가 150,000원
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수의 생리학의 기본서로 자리매김하는 Cunningham의 Veterinary Physiology 4판입니다.

더욱 보강된 내용 및 삽화로 충실한 생리학 서적으로 여러분의 임상에 큰 도움을 줄 것입니다.



   Saunders Title
ISBN: 1416036105
ISBN-13: 9781416036104

Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 4th Edition
By James G. Cunningham, DVM, PhD and Bradley G. Klein, PhD

Approx. 720 pages Approx. 500 illustrations (200 in full color)
Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
Copyright 2007



Now with full-color illustrations, this easy-to-follow text takes the vast subject of physiology and focuses on concepts most important to the practice of veterinary medicine. It includes coverage of physiopathology and clinical problem-solving techniques, making this a practical resource for any practice. The book's logical, body-system organization makes it easy to find specific information. This edition includes a new chapter on cancer and a new section on the immune system.

Key Features

  • Expanded information on diabetes mellitus includes the culmination of diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, and dietary management of Type 2 diabetes in cats.
  • Clinical Correlations boxes - increased by 25% in this edition - show how principles and concepts of physiology may be applied to the diagnosis and treatment of veterinary patients.
  • Summaries of essential points open each chapter, introducing new concepts and helping you prepare for examinations.
  • Practice questions on the Evolve website make it easy to review for examinations or practice by taking sample exams.

New to this Edition

  • Cancer and Cell Cycle Control chapter describes the malfunction of the cell involved in neoplasia, essential background to diagnosing and treating cancer in pets.
  • Immune Function section covers the normal function of the immune system and how it may be affected by autoimmune and immunodeficiency disorders, leading to several types of diseases.

Table Of Contents

Section I The Cell
Chapter 1 The Molecular and Cellular Bases of Physiologic Regulation
Chapter 2 Cancer and Cell Cycle Control
Section II Neurophysiology
Chapter 3 Introduction to the Neuromuscular System
Chapter 4 The Neuron
Chapter 5 The Neuromuscluar Synapse
Chapter 6 The Physiology of Muscle
Chapter 7 The Concept of a Reflex
Chapter 8 Skeletal Muscle Stretch Receptors
Chapter 9 The Concept of Lower and Upper Motor Neurons and Their Malfunction
Chapter 10 The Brain’s Control of Posture and Locomotion
Chapter 11 The Vestibular System
Chapter 12 The Cerebellum
Chapter 13 The Autonomic Nervous System and Adrenal Medulla
Chapter 14 The Visual System
Chapter 15 Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Blood-Brain Barrier
Chapter 16 The Electroencephalogram and Sensory Evoked Potentials
Chapter 17 Hearing
Section III Cardiovascular Physiology
Chapter 18 Overview of Cardiovascular Function
Chapter 19 Electrical Activity of the Heart
Chapter 20 The Electrocardiogram
Chapter 21 The Heart as a Pump
Chapter 22 The Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations
Chapter 23 Capillaries and Fluid Exchange
Chapter 24 Local Control of Blood Flow
Chapter 25 Neural and Hormonal Control of Blood Pressure and Blood Volume
Chapter 26 Integrated Cardiovascular Responses
Section IV Gastrointestinal Physiology and Metabolism
Chapter 27 Regulation of Gastrointestinal Function
Chapter 28 Movements of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 29 Secretions of the Digestive Tract
Chapter 30 Digestion and Absorption: The Nonfermentative Processes
Chapter 31 Digestion: The Fermentative Processes
Chapter 32 Postabsorptive Nutrient Utilization
Section V Endocrinology
Chapter 33 The Endocrine System
Chapter 34 Endocrine Glands and Their Function
Section VI Reproduction and Lactation
Chapter 35 Control of Gonadal and Gamete Development
Chapter 36 Control of Ovulation and the Corpus Luteum
Chapter 37 Reproductive Cycles
Chapter 38 Pregnancy and Parturition
Chapter 39 The Mammary Gland
Chapter 40 Reproductive Physiology of the Male
Section VII Renal Physiology
Chapter 41 Glomerular Filtration
Chapter 42 Solute Reabsorption
Chapter 43 Water Balance
Chapter 44 Acid-Base Balance
Section VIII Respiratory Function
Chapter 45 Overview of Respiratory Function: Ventilation of the Lung
Chapter 46 Pulmonary Blood Flow
Chapter 47 Gas Exchange
Chapter 48 Gas Transport in the Blood
Chapter 49 Control of Ventilation
Chapter 50 Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung
Section IX Homeostasis
Chapter 51 Fetal and Neonatal Oxygen Transport
Chapter 52 Acid-Base Homeostasis
Chapter 53 Thermoregulation
Section X Immune Function
Chapter 54 Cell, Tissue and Organ Substrates of Immune Function
Chapter 55 Mechanisms of Innate and Acquired Immunity

Author Information

By James G. Cunningham, DVM, PhD, Associate Professor, Departments of Physiology and Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; and Bradley G. Klein, PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA

배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
    고객님께서 주문하신 상품은 입금 확인후 배송해 드립니다. 다만, 상품종류에 따라서 상품의 배송이 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
    고객님께서 주문하신 도서라도 도매상 및 출판사 사정에 따라 품절/절판 등의 사유로 취소될 수 있습니다.  입금확인이 되면 익일발송(주말,공휴일제외)을 원칙으로 합니다.

교환 및 반품 정보

교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우
- 상품을 공급 받으신 날로부터 7일이내 내용이 파본일 경우
   단, 비닐포장을 개봉하였거나 내용물이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우에는 교환/반품이 불가능합니다.
- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과
  다르거나 다르게 이행된 경우에는 공급받은 날로부터 3월이내, 그사실을 알게 된 날로부터 30일이내

교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우. 단, 상품의 내용을 확인하기 위하여
  포장 등을 훼손한 경우는 제외
- 포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우 

- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 복제가 가능한 상품등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
  (자세한 내용은 고객만족센터 1:1 E-MAIL상담을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.)

※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.

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