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[P0000CMB] The Practice of Veterinary Dentistry-A Team Effort 적립금

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The Practice of Veterinary Dentistry

A Team Effort

By: Jan Bellows (American Veterinary Dental College and American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, Fellow Academy of Veterinary Dentistry, founder of All Pets Dental Clinic, Pembroke Pines, Florida.)


As business competitiveness increases in veterinary medicine, comprehensive veterinary dental service has become a key to success for many practitioners. Yet, historically, dentistry has been a neglected aspect of veterinary training. This book fills the need for dentistry information. It explains how to: Integrate dentistry into a general practice; Understand important dental principles; Acquire and use proper equipment; Perform or refer procedures in endodontics, periodontal surgery and orthodontics; Train staff in care of dental patients and owners; Teach owners the importance of dentistry to overall animal health.

The book also emphasises the cooperative role between veterinarian and client in maintaining animal dental health and rendering proper preventative and corrective procedures.

Table of Contents

Foreword by (Gerard B. Selin)


1. Philosophy and Teamwork.

2. Anatomy and Nomenclature.

3. Oral Examination.

4. Equipping Your Dental Practice.

5. The Why, When, and How of Small Animal Dental Radiology.

6. Twelve Steps of the Professional Teeth-Cleaning Visit.

7. Decisions, Decision, Decisions: Periodontal, Endodontic, Feline Oral, and Orthodontic Care.

8. Proposing Care.

Appendix 1. Client Handouts and Other Dental Care Forms.

Appendix 2. Sources of Dental Equipment and Information.



About the Author

Jan Bellows, DVM, has been the owner/operator of the Pet Health Care Center/ All Pets Dental Clinic in Pembroke Pines, Florida, for over 20 years. With a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from the Auburn School of Veterinary Medicine, he is also an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Oral Medicine at Nova University School of Dentistry. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and the American Veterinary Dental College as well as a fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry. Dr. Bellows created the home study course for the American Society of Veterinary Dental Technicians.


Practice of Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Effort-Bellows
Practice of Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Effort-Bellows

Jan Bellows

Dental health is crucial to the general well-being of any animal. Just as this has become more apparent in recent years, so has the need for additional veterinary dental education among practitioners. The Practice of Veterinary Dentistry meets this need with a concise yet complete introduction to the principles and practice of all aspects of dental care for companion animals.A recognized leader in the field, Bellows guides the practitioner from the initial concerns of creating and equipping a dental practice through the intricacies of dental pathology, radiography, and therapy to the essentials of prophylaxis and continual home care. Emphasizing a team approach, Bellows gives special attention to suggestions for involving clients in the dental health care of a pet. A practical, on-the-job manual, The Practice of Veterinary Dentistry equips veterinarians and technicians to care for the dental health of their patients and to address concerns of their clients for the overall health of their pets.

Published: 1999

Pages: 216

Cover: Hardcover

Size and Weight: 8.5 x 11.25, 2.30 lbs.

ISBN: 0813826179

Distributor or Publisher
Blackwell Publishing

배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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