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[P0000CNM] BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology 2nd 적립금

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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology 2nd 기본 정보
소비자가 190,000원
  • 3,600 (2.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 ( %) 카
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
상품코드 P0000CNM


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gastroenterology의 추천도서입니다.

아래 링크에 샘플챕터가 제공됩니다.


(샘플챕터는 내시경에 관한 챕터의 일부분입니다 : 챕터4)




BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Gastroenterology

Gastroenterology incorporates not only the new information available since the original publication but also additional chapters on diagnostic techniques and presenting complaints.

  • Diagnostic imaging and endoscopy
  • Diseases described by system
  • Diagnostic algorithms for presenting complaints
  • Chapters dedicated to critical care and therapeutics
  • Easy access drugs formulary

Approach to the investigation of gastrointestinal diseases;
Laboratory evaluation of gastrointestinal disease;
Imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas;
Gastrointestinal endoscopy;
Gastrointestinal immunology;
Biopsy: sample collection;
Biopsy: handling, processing and interpretation;
Dysphagia and regurgitation;
Acute and chronic vomiting;
Acute diarrhoea;
Chronic diarrhoea;
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage;
Dyschezia and tenesmus;
Ascites; Jaundice;
Hepatic encephalopathy;
Infectious and parasitic diseases;
Disorders of the oral cavity;
Disorders of the pharynx and oesophagus;
Diseases of the stomach;
Diseases of the small intestine;
Diseases of the colon and rectum;
Disorders of the perineum and anus;
Diseases of the exocrine pancreas;
Diseases of the liver;
Diseases of the biliary system;
Critical care of patients with gastrointestinal disease;
Feeding tubes;




Susan Bunch, USA; Michael Day, UK; Linda DeBowes, USA; Alexander Germanl, UK; Edward Halll, UK; Albert Jergens, USA; Michael Leib, USA; Jill Maddison, UK; Stanley Marks, USA; Maureen McMichael, USA; Robert O’Brien, USA; Jan Rothuizen, Netherlands; James Simpson, UK; Kenneth Simpson, USA; Jörg Steiner, USA; Robert Washabau, USA; Penny Watson, UK; Michael Willard, USA; David Williams, USA; John Williams, UK; Debra Zoran, USA.

Published April 2005
342 pages
ISBN 978 0 905214 73 3




세부목차 :

List of contributors.



Part 1: Diagnostic Procedures.

1. Approach to the investigation of gastrointestinal diseases
(James W. Simpson).

2. Laboratory evaluation of gastrointestinal disease
(Jorg M. Steiner).

3. Imaging the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas
(Robert T. O'Brien).

4. Gastrointestinal endoscopy
(James W. Simpson).

5. Gastrointestinal immunology and biopsy.

a. Gastrointestinal immunology
(Michael J. Day).

b. Biopsy: sample collection
(John M. Williams).

c. Bipsy: handling, processing and interpretation
(Michael J. Day).

Part 2: Presenting complaints.

6. Dysphagia and regurgitation
(Robert J. Washabau).

7. Acute and chronic vomiting
(Kenneth W. Simpson).

8. Acute diarrhoea
(Michael S. Leib).

9. Chronic diarrhoea
(Albert E. Jergens).

10. Malabsorption
(David A. Williams).

11. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
(Michael D. Willard).

12. Dyschezia and tenesmus
(Albert E. Jergens).

13. Ascites
(Edward J. Hall).

14. Jaundice
(Susan E. Bunch).

15. Hepatic encephalopathy
(Jill E. Maddison).

16. Infectious and parasitic diseases
(Stanley L. Markes).

Part 3: Systems approach.

17. Disorders of the oral cavity
(Linda J. DeBowes).

18. Disorders of the pharynx and oesophagus
(Robert J. Washabau).

19. Diseases of the stomach
(Kenneth W. Simpson).

20. Diseases of the small intestine
(Alexander J. German).

21. Diseases of the colon and rectum
(Albert E. Jergens and Debra L. Zoran).

22. Disorders of the perineum and anus
(John M. Williams).

23. Diseases of the exocrine pancreas
(David A. Williams).

24. Diseases of the liver
(Penny Watson).

25. Diseases of the biliary system
(Jan Rothuizen).

Part 4: Critical care and Therapeutics.

26. Critical care of patients with gastrointestinal diseases
(Maureen McMichael).

27. Feeding tubes
(Debra L. Zoran).

28. Therapeutics
(Edward J. Hall).



1. Drug formulary.

2. Abbreviations used throughout the text.

3. Conversion tables.


배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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