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[P0000CNR] Veterinary Forensics - Animal Cruelty Investigations (2008) 적립금

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Veterinary Forensics - Animal Cruelty Investigations (2008) 기본 정보
소비자가 134,100원
  • 2,600 (2.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
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Book Information

Veterinary Forensics - Animal Cruelty Investigations

By: Melinda Merck


"Help[s] fill the void in the forensic veterinary medical literature. The appendices contain useful cat and dog diagrams. The index is nice and complete."
Veterinary Pathology



Animal cruelty is gaining attention worldwide. With the rise of mandatory reporting requirements for veterinarians and prosecution of animal cruelty, veterinarians and pathologists need the resources to properly assist in these cases.

Veterinary Forensics is a practical reference for veterinarians, pathologists and investigators. Written by a leading expert in veterinary forensics, it provides the background and resources needed to work with animal abuse cases. The book offers detailed and clear direction on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and forensic pathology findings, as well as guidance on handling evidence and conducting evaluations that will hold up in court.

Primarily focused on dogs and cats, the principles and techniques in this book can be applied easily to other species as well. Photographs highlight pertinent forensic findings in animals, and extensive appendices include forms for examination, report writing, entomology collection, body condition scoring, forensic kits, forensic specialists and labs, and web resources.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Legal System and the Veterinarian's Role
Chapter 2. Crime Scene Investigation
Chapter 3. CSI: The Animal as Evidence
Chapter 4. Special Considerations in Animal Cruelty Cases
Chapter 5. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Non-Penetrating Injuries
Chapter 6. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Penetrating Injuries
Chapter 7. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Burns
Chapter 8. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Gunshot Wounds
Chapter 9. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Asphyxia and Drowning
Chapter 10. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Poisoning
Chapter 11. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Neglect
Chapter 12. Sexual Assault
Chapter 13. Animal Fighting
Chapter 14. Time of Death

About the Author

Melinda D. Merck, DVM, is a forensic veterinarian with the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), and frequently provides training for veterinary and law enforcement professionals nationwide on the use of veterinary medical knowledge in the investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty cases. In addition, she is a veterinary forensics consultant for the Fulton County District Attorney's Office in Atlanta, Ga., and also conducts veterinary forensic examinations for Gwinnett County Animal Control. Dr. Merck often testifies as a forensic veterinary expert for animal cruelty cases around the country, including cases involving animal hoarding, dog fighting and animal torture. She has previously worked as an associate veterinarian in both private practice and animal hospital settings.



상세목차 :



Chapter 1. The Legal System and the Veterinarian's Role

Chapter 2. Crime Scene Investigation

Chapter 3. CSI: The Animal as Evidence

Chapter 4. Special Considerations in Animal Cruelty Cases

Chapter 5. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Non-Penetrating Injuries

Chapter 6. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Penetrating Injuries

Chapter 7. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Burns

Chapter 8. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Gunshot Wounds

Chapter 9. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Asphyxia and Drowning

Chapter 10. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Poisoning

Chapter 11. Patterns of Non-Accidental Injury: Neglect

Chapter 12. Sexual Assault

Chapter 13. Animal Fighting

Chapter 14. Time of Death

Appendix 1. Evidence Log

Appendix 2. Evidence Packaging Form

Appendix 3. Evidence Receipt Form

Appendix 4. Live SOAP Form

Appendix 5. Weight Change

Appendix 6. Body Condition Assessment

Appendix 7. Skin Condition-Cat

Appendix 8. Skin Condition-Dog

Appendix 9. Hair, Nails Condition-Cat

Appendix 10. Hair, Nails Condition-Dog

Appendix 11. Hair, Nails Scale

Appendix 12. Necropsy History

Appendix 13. Necropsy Worksheet

Appendix 14. External Wounds-Cat

Appendix 15. External Wounds-Dog

Appendix 16. Fixed Tissue List

Appendix 17. Preliminary Veterinary Statement

Appendix 18. Final Veterinary Statement

Appendix 19. Medical Record Certification

Appendix 20. Exam/Necropsy Report

Appendix 21. Tufts Animal Care and Condition Scale

Appendix 22. Forensic Entomology Data Form

Appendix 23. Entomology Specimen Disposition/ID Log

Appendix 24. Entomological Sample Log Sheet

Appendix 25. Forensic Specialists and Laboratories

Appendix 26. Animal Cruelty Forensic Kits

Appendix 27. Webliography

배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
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