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[P0000CYJ] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats (2012) 적립금

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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats (2012) 기본 정보
소비자가 420,000원
  • 12,600 (3.00%)
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상품코드 P0000CYJ


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국내에도 방한하여 강의를 한 바 있는 Frank J M Verstraete의 저술입니다.


단순 치과뿐 아니라 구강악안면외과까지 그 범위를 확장한 치과학 책입니다.

가격이 고가이지만 수많은 임상가들이 구입하였으며 평도 책값을 한다는 평입니다.


국내재고는 소량 준비하고 있으며 해외주문이 필요할 수 있읍니다

(약 10일 소요)


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats

  • Hardcover Reference
  • 608 Pages
  • Trim Size: 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in
  • Imprint: Saunders
  • ISBN: 9780702046186
  • Copyright: 2012



    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats offers a unique, detailed, comprehensive and highly illustrated account of surgical procedures that will improve outcomes for all surgical and dental specialists. In drawing together the expertise of specialists worldwide, it will also prove indispensable for general practitioners with a dental and oral caseload. Basic principles are considered prior to in-depth treatment of surgical conditions. The book combines expertise from both human and veterinary oral surgeons to provide an authoritative reference with a strongly practical slant. It is likely to become the standard work in the field for many years.



    목차 안내


    Section 1 - Surgical Biology

    Oral soft tissue wound healing

    Maxillofacial bone healing

    Use of antibiotics and antiseptics

    Anaesthesia and Pain management

    Enteral nutritional support

    Section 2 - Surgical Methods

    Instrumentation, surgical positioning and aseptic technique

    Suture materials and biomaterials

    Laser surgery

    Microsurgical techniques in maxillofacial surgery

    Use of cat and dog in experimental maxillofacial surgery

    Section 3 - Exodontics

    Principles of exodontics

    Closed extraction of single rooted teeth

    Extraction of canine teeth in dogs

    Extraction of multirooted teeth in dogs

    Special considerations in feline exodontics

    Complications of extractions

    Section 4 - Periodontal surgery

    Principles of Periodontal Surgery

    Gingivectomy / Gingivoplasty

    Periodontal Flap Surgery and Mucogingival Surgery

    Osteoconductive and Osteoinductive Agents in Periodontal Surgery


    Management of Periodontal Trauma

    Section 5 - Endodontal surgery

    Principles of Endodontal Surgery

    Apicoectomy Techniques

    Section 6 - Maxillofacial Trauma Repair

    Principles of Maxillofacial Trauma Repair

    Facial Soft Tissue Injuries

    Surgical Approaches for Mandibular and Maxillofacial Trauma Repair

    Symphyseal Separation and Fractures Involving the Incisive Region

    Maxillofacial Fracture Repair Using Non-invasive Techniques

    Maxillofacial Fracture Repair Using Intra-osseous

    Maxillofacial Fracture Repair Using Mini-plates and Screws

    Maxillofacial Fracture Repair Using External Fixation

    Fractures and Luxations Involving the Temporomandibular Joint

    Maxillofacial Fracture Complications

    Section 7 - Palate Surgery

    Biologic Basis of Cleft Palate and Palatal Surgery

    Cleft Palate Repair Techniques

    Repair of Acquired Palatal Defects .

    Section 8 - Management of Maxillofacial Tumors and Cysts

    Clinical Staging and Biopsy of Maxillofacial Tumors


    Clinical Behavior of Non-odontogenic Tumors

    Clinical Behavior of Odontogenic Tumors

    Non-neoplastic Tumor-like

    Principles of Oral Oncologic Surgery

    Surgical Treatment of Tongue, Lip, and Cheek

    Maxillectomy Techniques .

    Mandibulectomy Techniques

    Clinical Behavior and Management of Odontogenic Cysts

    Advanced Maxillofacial Reconstruction Techniques

    Section 9 - Salivary Gland Surgery

    Principles of Salivary Gland Surgery

    Surgical Treatment of Salivary Mucoceles

    Section 10 - Miscellaneous Maxillofacial Surgery Procedures


    Mandibular Frenoplasty and Tight-lip Syndrome

    Management of Maxillofacial Osteonecrosis

    Management of Unerupted

    Temporomandibular Joint Dysplasia

    Section 11 - Oral Approaches to Ear-, Nose-, and Throat Procedures

    Correction of Overlong Soft Palate

    Pharyngotomy and Pharyngostomy

    Oral Approaches to the Nasal Cavity and Nasopharynx




    Key Features

      • Authoritative: over 30 international contributors who between them represent the peak of professional expertise in the field.

      • Unique: the only book available devoted to a surgical specialty of growing relevance.

      • Practical: profuse illustrations of the highest quality combine with step-by-step textual guidance to give clearest possible practical instruction.

      • Detailed: presents in-depth descriptions of surgical conditions and detailed surgical explanations.

    Published Reviews

      "Sometimes, when one has high expectations from such distinguished authors, one is left disappointed, but this book is truly the exception...having enjoyed reading the book from cover to cover, i feel it has a place in every small animal practice library, as each chapter has something applicable to first-opinion practice; it would make an invaluable resource and reference book...the clinical photgraphs, illustratitions and comprehensive text make this book good value for money as, I have no doubt, it will be used and referred to for many years to come."

      Vet Record, April 2012


      "The book is well written, nicely illustrated and professionally edited, largely avoiding fragmentation and/or overlapping that may result from having 47 different authors...this book fills and important void in the veterinary literature, and the attention to detail of its editors has benefitted the reader...I recommend this book for any practicing veterinarian who performs any amount of oral surgery."

      J VET DENT, Summer 2012

    Author Information

      By Frank J M Verstraete, DrMedVet, BVSc(Hons), MMedVet, Dipl AVDC, Dipl ECVS, Dipl EVDC, Professor of Dentistry and Oral Surgery Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine University of California, Davis Adjunct Professor of Orofacial Sciences Department of Orofacial Sciences, Division of Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology School of Dentistry University of California, San Francisco and Milinda J Lommer, DVM, Dipl AVDC, Assistant Clinical Professor - Volunteer Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine University of California, Davis
  • 배송 정보

    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
    • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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