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[P0000CXH] Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs 2013 New 적립금

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Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs 2013 기본 정보
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Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs

M. C. Muhlbauer, S. K. Kneller
ISBN: 978-1-118-54747-2
512 pages
May 2013, Wiley-Blackwell


  • Description

    Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs offers a comprehensive guide to producing high-quality radiographs and evaluating radiographic findings.  Equally useful as a quick reference or for more in-depth information on specific diseases and disorders, the book is logically organized into sections describing how to make high-quality radiographs, normal radiographic anatomy, and interpretation of radiographic abnormalities.  It is packed with checklists for systematic evaluation, numerous figures and line drawings, and exhaustive lists of differential diagnoses, resulting in an especially practical guide for the radiographic procedures performed in everyday practice.

    Written in a streamlined, easy-to-read style, the book offers a simple and fresh approach to radiography of the dog and cat, correlating physics, physiology, and pathology.  Coverage includes patient positioning, contrast radiography, normal and abnormal radiographic findings, and differential diagnoses as they pertain to musculoskeletal, thoracic, and abdominal structures.  Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs is a one-stop reference for improving the quality and diagnostic yield of radiographs in your clinical practice.


    • Provides a practical guide to making and interpreting quality radiographs
    • Includes complete evaluation checklists, extensive differential diagnoses, and numerous figures and line drawings
    • Serves as both a fast access manual to key information and as a more detailed reference to specific diseases, disorders, and abnormal radiographic findings
    • Discusses both analog and digital radiography systems
    • Offers concrete guidance for improving the quality of radiographs and the accuracy of diagnosis
    • Includes a companion website featuring review questions, a positioning guide, and figures and the glossary from the book at www.wiley.com/go/muhlbauerradiography


    About the Companion Website, ix

    Acknowledgment, xi

    Introduction, xiii

    Chapter 1: Interpretation of Radiographs, 3

    Musculoskeleton, 4

    Thorax, 12

    Abdomen, 27

    Chapter 2: Making Quality Radiographs, 43

    Production and use of diagnostic x-rays, 44

    Positioning guide, 59

    Interpreting radiographs, 82

    Scope of diagnostic imaging, 85

    Chapter 3: Contrast Radiography, 87

    Indications for contrast radiography, 88

    Types of contrast media, 88

    Adverse effects associated with contrast media, 89

    Contrast radiography procedures, 91

    Chapter 4: Musculoskeleton, 123

    Normal radiographic anatomy, 125

    General, 125

    Bone development, 128

    Sesamoid bones, 130

    Variable ossifi cation centers, 132

    Joints, 133

    Skull, 146

    Diseases and disorders, 152

    Bone production, 152

    Bone loss, 156

    Benign conditions, 157

    Fractures, 161

    Hypertrophic osteopathy (HO), 171

    Osteomyelitis, 171

    Osseous neoplasia, 174

    Soft tissues, 177

    Appendicular skeleton, 180

    Axial skeleton, 232

    Differential diagnoses, 264

    General bone, 264

    Joints, 267

    Spine, 268

    Skull, 271

    Pharynx and larynx abnormalities, 273

    Chapter 5: Thorax, 275

    Normal radiographic anatomy, 277

    Thoracic wall, 277

    Diaphragm, 279

    Pleura and pleural space, 279

    Mediastinum, 280

    Esophagus, 282

    Heart and major vessels, 284

    Trachea, 290

    Bronchi, 290

    Lungs, 291

    Diseases and disorders, 294

    Thoracic wall, 294

    Diaphragm, 297

    Pleura and pleural space, 299

    Mediastinum, 304

    Esophagus, 306

    Heart and major vessels, 312

    Trachea and bronchi, 335

    Lungs, 341

    Differential diagnoses, 356

    Thoracic wall, 356

    Diaphragm, 357

    Pleura and pleural space, 358

    Mediastinum, 360

    Esophagus, 362

    Cardiac silhouette, 364

    Major vessels, 368

    Trachea, 369

    Lungs, 371

    Chapter 6: Abdomen, 377

    Normal radiographic anatomy, 379

    Peritoneal and retroperitoneal spaces, 379

    Liver, 380

    Gall bladder/biliary system, 381

    Spleen, 381

    Pancreas, 383

    Gastrointestinal tract, 383

    Urinary tract, 388

    Adrenal glands, 390

    Male genital system, 391

    Female genital system, 393

    Diseases and disorders, 393

    Peritoneal hernia, 393

    Liver, 394

    Gall bladder/biliary system, 396

    Spleen, 397

    Pancreas, 398

    Gastrointestinal tract, 399

    Urinary tract, 415

    Adrenal glands, 427

    Male genital system, 429

    Female genital system, 433

    Differential diagnoses, 436

    Abdominal cavity, 436

    Abdominal wall, 440

    Gastrointestinal tract, 441

    Liver, 447

    Spleen, 448

    Pancreas, 449

    Urinary tract, 450

    Male genital system 455

    Female genital system 455

    Glossary, 457

    Bibliography, 473

    Index, 475

    저자 안내

    M.C. Muhlbauer, DVM, MS, DACVR, is President and CEO of Veterinary Imaging Specialists, PC.

    S.K. Kneller, DVM, MS, DACVR, is Associate Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Clinical Medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



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    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
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