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[P0000CWO] Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement (2012) New 적립금

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Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement (2012) 기본 정보
소비자가 150,000원
  • 4,500 (3.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 ( %) 카
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
상품코드 P0000CWO


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인공관절치환술(Arthroplasty)에 대한 단행본이 발간되었읍니다.  

 AVCS와 Wiley와의 제휴로 발간되는 Advances in Veterinary Surgery시리즈 중 두번째 도서입니다. (첫번째 타이틀은 Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament 였으며 예상외로 인기 타이틀이 되었읍니다)
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Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement
  • Jeffrey N. Peck (Editor), Denis J. Marcellin-Little (Editor)
  • ISBN: 978-0-470-95961-9
  • Hardcover
  • 272 pages
  • December 2012, Wiley-Blackwell

Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement provides an up-to-date, comprehensive examination of joint replacement in veterinary surgery. Part of the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series copublished with the ACVS Foundation, the book presents an evidence-based, multi-system examination of the current state of hip, knee, and elbow replacement in dogs and cats, including information on biomechanics and biomaterials not found in other sources.  Written by an international group of experts, the book offers guidance on the history, indications, contraindications, clinical procedures, and a review of the current literature for these surgical techniques.

Focusing on replacement of the hip, knee, and elbow, the book also covers disc, shoulder, carpus, and tarsus replacement, as well as information on the development of custom prostheses.  Each section incorporates information on potential complications and outcomes assessment. Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement is an unparalleled repository of information for veterinary surgeons, residents, and practitioners with an interest in these procedures.


  • Offers an overview of the current state of the art for joint replacement in veterinary surgery
  • Includes information on biomechanics and biomaterials not available elsewhere in the published literature
  • Takes a multi-system approach
  • Provides information on potential complications and outcomes assessment for each procedure
  • Written by an internationally renowned list of authors
  • Part of the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series copublished with the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Foundation


 Table of Contents

Contributors ix

Foreword xi
Marvin L. Olmstead

Foreword xiii
David J. DeYoung

Foreword xvii
Mark D. Markel, Chair of the Board of Trustees ACVS Foundation

Preface and Acknowledgments xix

1. The History of Joint Replacement in Veterinary Surgery 3
Mariana Quina and Jeffrey N. Peck

2. Implant Materials: Structural 11
Simon C. Roe

3. Implant Materials: Surface Coating 19
David J. DeYoung and Denis J. Marcellin-Little

4. Weight-Bearing Surfaces 31
Jeffrey N. Peck

5. Methods of Immediate Fixation 39
Kei Hayashi and Kurt S. Schulz

6. Biomechanical Considerations in Total Hip Replacement 53
Michael P. Kowaleski

7. Clinical Application of Total Hip Replacement 69
Jeffrey N. Peck, William D. Liska, David J. DeYoung, and Denis J. Marcellin-Little

8. Revision Strategies for Total Hip Replacement 109
Jeffrey N. Peck and Denis J. Marcellin-Little

9. Biomechanical Considerations in Total Knee Replacement 131
Matthew Allen and Kenneth Mann

10. Clinical Application of Total Knee Replacement 151
Melvyn Pond

11. Biomechanical Considerations in Total Elbow Development 163
Greg Van Der Meulen

12. Clinical Application of Total Elbow Replacement in Dogs 179
Loïc M. Déjardin, Reunan P. Guillou, and Michael Conzemius

13. Emerging Arthroplasties 199
Jeffrey N. Peck

14. Custom Total Joint Arthroplasty 223
Denis J. Marcellin-Little and Ola L.A. Harrysson

Index 243



저자 안내

Jeffrey N. Peck, DVM, DACVS, is Staff Surgeon at Affiliated Veterinary Specialists in Maitland, Florida.

Denis J. Marcellin-Little, DEDV, DACVS, DECVS, is Professor of Orthopedic Surgery in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.


배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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