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[P0000CPO] BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction 2/E (2009) New 적립금

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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction 2/E (2009) 기본 정보
소비자가 195,000원
  • 5,800 (3.00%)
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상품코드 P0000CPO


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 BSAVA 메뉴얼 시리즈의 최신간입니다.

창상치유와 수복에 관한 도서가 최근 몇년간 발간되지 않고 있었는데 2009년 4월 드디어 최신간으로 BSAVA에서 발간이 되었읍니다.

최신기법의 치료기법으로 광범위한 창상의 치유에 도움이 될 것입니다.



BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction, Second Edition

Edited by: John Williams; Alison Moores

VIN.com 북리뷰에서 별4개를 받았읍니다.


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Review by Kathy Lyon Star
(Click on stars for an explanation)
You may purchase this book in the VIN store.

BSAVA consistently publishes quality manuals, all liberally illustrated with clear photos and accompanied with instructive and concise text. This edition follows all of those guidelines and more.

Wound reconstruction is tricky business, fraught with failure through no fault of the clinician. Skin grafting is difficult at best, but when you are looking at areas where there is little skin to graft, such as legs or tails, then the going gets tough. This book provides some options that may help achieve a successful graft.

The cases here are well illustrated and described with graft patterns, skin expanding techniques, sheet grafting, burn grafting, mesh preparation, and wound care. Some incredibly difficult cases are shown involving grafting of the face (shotgun injury, tumors), and footpad grafts. Also described are full thickness deficits, requiring some inventive repair techniques.

Each case is described in logical order. First do this, then do that. Cautions are located in color blocks and in bold type. The surgeries are listed in the Table of Contents by technique, tension-relieving, transposition flap, rotation flap, open wound management and more.

Included are reparative surgeries such as anal sacculectomy, episioplasty, caudectomy, and mastectomy. The closing chapter covers complications of wound healing and treatment of non-healing wounds.

The book is European design, measuring 8-1/4" by 11-3/4", so it will stick up on your shelf and make it easy to find. Paper cover, 276 pages, liberally illustrated with color photos, drawings, graphs, and charts. An excellent reference that should be in every library. Sooner or later you are going to see one of these cases.

Distributed in USA by Wiley & Sons (2009). ISBN: 978-19053-1909-1.

Decorative Image: Product Image

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Wound Management and Reconstruction
BSAVA Product Code: (P00092)

2nd edition
Edited by: John Williams and Alison Moores

This new edition has been completely updated under its new editorial team. As before, emphasis is placed on practical decision-making, underpinned by an understanding of the biological wound healing process. Chapters have been expanded to take account of recent developments in wound care and in surgery.


  • Practical decision-making
  • Advanced flaps, grafts and microsurgery
  • Step-by-step Operative Techniques
  • Case examples

The biology of wound healing;

Wound aetiology and classification;

Decision-making in wound closure;

Management of open wounds;

Surgical drains in wound management and reconstructive surgery;

Tension-relieving techniques and local skin flaps;

Axial pattern flaps;

Free skin grafting;

Pedicled muscle flaps;


Special considerations in wound mangement;

Complications of wound healing;




To view a Sample Chapter, click here



Davina Anderson, UK;

Stephen J. Baines, UK;

David Fowler, Canada;

Ed Friend, UK;

Giselle Hosgood, USA;

Jane Ladlow, UK;

Philipp D. Mayhew, USA;

Alison Moores, UK;

Jacqui D. Niles, USA;

Juliet Pope, UK;

Richard A.S. White, UK;

John Williams, UK.

Published March 2009
288 pages
ISBN 978 1 905319 09 1



배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
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