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[P0000CLY] Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology: Honoring the Human-Animal Bond 적립금

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Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology: Honoring the Human-Animal Bond 기본 정보
소비자가 108,000원
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상품설명 최하단에 book review를 추가합니다 (2009.2.1)


Amply illustrated with full color throughout and dozens of real life case studies, Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology provides readers with the tools needed to diagnose and treat aging pets with cancer, and to help clients make the best decisions for themselves and for the animals with whom they share their lives. This book offers more than just a competent clinical approach to the most common tumors in dogs and cats. It also offers a focus on the special needs of geriatric pets and their owners.





Part One.

Chapter 1 Molecular Biology of Cancer and Aging.

Chapter 2 What is Needed in Geriatric Oncology Aside from Treatment.

Part Two.

Chapter 3 Warning Signs of Cancer in Geriatric Dogs and Cats.

Chapter 4 Basic Types of Cancer and Biological Behavior.

Chapter 5 Generating the Diagnosis Part Three.

Chapter 6 Treating Cancer in Geriatric Patients.

6A Introduction to Cancer Care for Geriatrics.

6B Surgery for Geriatric Oncology Patients.

6C Chemotherapy for Geriatric Oncology Patients.

6D Adverse Effects From Chemotherapy.

6E Radiation Therapy for Geriatric Cancer Patients.

6F Immunotherapy, Vaccines, Gene Therapy.

6G Chemoprevention and Immunonutrition.

6H Integrative, Complimentary Medicine.

Chapter 7 Pain Control for the Geriatric Oncology Patient in Treatment.

Chapter 8 Decision Making with Advanced Stage Cancer and Recurrence.

Chapter 9 When and How to Decide That a Geriatric Cancer Patient is Terminal.

Chapter 10 Palliation and Pawspice Care.

Chapter 11 Euthanasia of the Geriatric Oncology Patient.

Appendix 1. Specific Tumor Protocols.

Appendix 2. Handouts for Clients.

Appendix 3. Cartoon Maps.


Alice Villalobos, DVM, is the 2005-2006 President of the American Association of Human Animal Bond Veterinarians, Director of Animal Oncology Consultation Service in Woodland Hills and Torrance, California. She is also Director of Pawspice, an end-of-life care consultation clinic in Norwalk, California, and Founder of the Peter Zippi Memorial Fund, which has placed over 11,000 animals in homes. Dr. Villalobos received the UC Davis Alumni Achievement Award and the Leo Bustad Companion Animal Veterinarian Award for her pioneering role in bringing oncology services to companion animal practice. She writes and lectures on veterinary cancer care at national and regional veterinary conferences worldwide, sharing her unparalleled 35 years of experience in this field.

Laurie Kaplan, MSC, organized and edited the work. Laurie is a medical animal writer and author of “Help Your Dog Fight Cancer: An Overview of Home Care Options.” She is the former editor-in-chief of Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine’s Catnip newsmagazine, a member of Dog Writers Association of America, Inc., and administrator of the Magic Bullet Fund, a program of the Perseus Foundation that finances cancer treatment for dogs.


By Alice Villalobos, DVM, with Laurie Kaplan, MSc. 

Blackwell Publishing
ISBN 978-0-8138-0266-4
My decision to purchase this book arose from attending the North American y
purchase the book. 
It is true to say this book is certainly not just another text book and approaches the
subject matter in a novel, if not unique, way. This describes not just about the nuts
and bolts of oncology but treats the subject in a caring compassionate way. It also
contains real stories, about real people in real life situations doing their best to save
their companions.  For example the story of Rosie, belonging to Dr. Robert Miller,
and her three and a half year battle with anal sac adenocarcinoma, is used to not
was sustained for as long as possible.
Dr Villalobos covers the molecular biology of cancer and aging, the basic types of
cancer and their biological behaviour and the warning signs of cancer in the first
section of the book. I found the Chapter on warning signs particularly useful and
although it is rarely hard for me to discover new information, I learnt that oral cancers
are usually discovered late in the course of the disease despite the presence of early
warning signs. Also cats living with a smoker in the household are 5-10 times more
likely to develop oral squamous cell carcinoma and intestinal lymphoma due to the
grooming of carcinogens from their fur.
Dr Villalobos goes on to describe the various treatment modalities available including
some that may become available in due course such as molecular and gene
therapies.  She also considers chemoprevention (the concept of providing natural or
synthetic compounds to reduce cancer risk) and immunonutrition at some length.
Whilst accepting the controversial nature of the area and pointing out that some
agents can cause adverse effects, she does not dismiss alternative medicine out of
hand. She accepts that this is an owner showing that they want to do everything they

possibly can to help their pet in face of the adversity of cancer and as long as 'it does no harm' then willing to accept it's use as a complementary therapy: A table listing drug-herbal interactions puts this into perspective.
I feel the chapter on pain control is an excellent and thorough analysis and provides
many practical tips that can be used in our own practices. 
Throughout the book Dr Villalobos takes a practical approach to her subject and
writes in a very open way. She accepts that accidents do happen, such as
extravasations of doxorubicin, and describes techniques that she has found to help
this devastating scenario- - on occasion.
As I have said this book is also about our clients and how cancer in their aging
companions affects them and what we can do to support both parties in this
relationship. Dr Villalobos discusses ethics, empathy, conflict of interests and how to
help in decision making. She obviously works with her clients as advocates.
The last two chapters of the book discuss the end of life palliative care and
has developed what is essentially a program of hospice type care which she calls
the quality of life scale (The Hurt-Hunger-Hydration-Hygiene-Happiness-Mobility-
More good days than bad days Scale).
Dr Villalobos sends her clients a six inch engraved paw print as an after-life gift when
the time comes. I think this illustrates the care and compassion with which she
obviously goes about her life.
At every stage the book is illustrated with real life case histories not only about the
animal companions but also about the people that care for them. Although clearly
this book is written from a referral perspective it would still make a valuable addition
to any practice library. It is not only packed with valuable practical information but I
think it could have the potential to make you a better person!

배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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