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[P0000BOJ] Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine 2010년 증보판(소프트커버) New 적립금

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Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine 2010년 증보판(소프트커버) 기본 정보
소비자가 102,000원
  • 3,000 (3.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 ( %) 카
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
상품코드 P0000BOJ


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2005년에 발간되었던 동저자의 동제목의 증보판이 발간되었읍니다.  보강된 내용과 함께 소프트커버 버전으로 가격이 50% 인하되었읍니다.


주로 개와 고양이를 다루고 있으며 일부 소와 말에 대한 내용도 수록하고 있읍니다.




Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine

The softcover edition of this comprehensive, superbly illustrated textbook contains key updates tot he text and references, reflecting the main developments in science and in practice since first publication. It is aimed squarely at veterinarians in practice and training interested in all types of ophthalmic diseases and disorders. Species coverage is mainly dog and cat with additional material on the horse and the cow.

Following an outline of the basic elements of ophthalmic science relevant to study and practice, the author provides a detailed description and discussion of each condition including aetiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy, plus a chapter on problem-oriented ophthalmology.

Dr Martin has filled an important gap in veterinary ophthalmic literature and has created a valuable resource, focusing throughout on the clinical needs of the practitioner and the student.


Key features

  • Comprehensive, brief, superbly illustrated coverage 
  • Practical approach to investigation, diagnosis and management 
  • Covers aetiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and therapy

Bibliographic info

  • Softcover, 512 pages
  • 261 x 194 mm page size
  • 767 colour and b/w illustrations
  • 93 line drawings and 50 tables
  • ISBN: 978-1-84076-118-4
  • publication year: 2010


"Fills an important niche..... highly recommended." 
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists

"Gloriously illustrated with superb colour diagrams and a huge number of clinical photographs..... truly a masterpiece." 
Canadian Association of Veterinary Ophthalmology

"…Quality visual material with the advantage that the text and relevant photographs are alongside each other….easy to dip in and out of, readable and comprehensive." 
The Veterinary Record



  1. The Ophthalmic Examination and Anamnesis
  2. Ophthalmic Pharmacology
  3. Basic Ocular Pathology
  4. Problem Based Management of Ocular Emergencies
  5. Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery
  6. Orbit and Globe
  7. Eyelids
  8. Conjunctiva and the Third Eyelid
  9. The Lacrimal System
  10. Cornea and Sclera
  11. Anterior Uvea and Anterior Chamber
  12. Glaucoma
  13. Lens
  14. Vitreous and Retina
  15. Presumed Inherited Ocular Disease

Appendix 1– Breed Dispositions to Eye Disease in Dogs

Appendix 2 – The Ocular and Adnexal Relationship to Medicine

Appendix 3 – Glossary.





저자 정보

Charles L. Martin, DVM, MS, DACVO, 
Professor SAM College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, USA

Contributing Authors: 
David Whitley, DVM MS

Kristina Vygantas, DVM
both at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, AL, USA

배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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    고객님께서 주문하신 도서라도 도매상 및 출판사 사정에 따라 품절/절판 등의 사유로 취소될 수 있습니다.  입금확인이 되면 익일발송(주말,공휴일제외)을 원칙으로 합니다.

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