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[P0000CLW] The Care and Feeding of an IACUC: The Organization and Management of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 적립금

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The Care and Feeding of an IACUC: The Organization and Management of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 기본 정보
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상품코드 P0000CLW


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The Care and Feeding of an IACUC: The Organization and Management of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
M. Lawrence Podolsky    Consultant, Belmont, California
Victor Lukas    Legacy Clinical Research & Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA
List Price: $89.95
Cat. #: 2580
ISBN: 9780849325809
ISBN 10: 0849325803
Publication Date: 3/25/1999
Number of Pages: 216
Availability: In Stock

 CRC Press
  • Gives unbiased coverage of a controversial topic
  • Emphasizes managerial aspects
  • Covers both academic and industry situations--including the special stresses of an IUCAC in a medical teaching hospital and in a pharmaceutical company

    The framers of the 1985 amendments to the Federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) envisioned the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) as the linchpin--the central and cohesive element--of the laboratory animal care and use program at research, education, and testing organizations. Effective operation of this committee is essential if these organizations are to achieve full regulatory compliance, and, more importantly, retain the public's support for activities involving the use of animal subjects.

    In 1987, the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, in cooperation with the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, published a compilation of presentations made at five regional workshops on effective operation of IACUCs. In the decade since this compilation was published, nearly all of the 18 consensus recommendations developed by the workshop participants and the Center's Board of Trustees have either been incorporated into the AWA regulations or have been voluntarily adopted by institutions using animals subjects.

    The Care and Feeding of an IACUC: The Organization and Management of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee superbly illustrates the progress and advances the animal-using communities have made in implementing these and other improvements in their animal care and use programs.

    The highly qualified contributors provide twelve information-packed chapters and ten appendices that provide IACUC chairs and members with an indispensable reference. This book summarizes information critical to the effective and efficient management and operation of an IACUC, and, as such, should be made available to IACUC members and administrative officials in every institution using laboratory animals.

  • 배송 정보

    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
    • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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