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[P0000CRR] Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat New 적립금

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Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat 기본 정보
소비자가 168,000원
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 실험동물 중 Rat의 외과학적 실험기법에 관한 도서입니다.  본문에는 각종 테크닉을 풍부한 데이타와 함께 설명하고 있으며 기본적인 각종 외과학적 기법도 상세히 설명하고 있읍니다.  부록 CD ROM에서는 250장 이상의 칼라사진과 함께 외과학적 기법을 설명합니다



Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat

Edited by Alfredo Rigalli, Veronica Di Loreto

  • Price: £85.00
  • Binding/Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 978-1-4200932-6-1
  • Publish Date: 19th May 2009
  • Imprint: CRC Press
  • Pages: 232 pages

상품 간단소개

An All-Inclusive Guide to Surgical Techniques on Rats

The design of an adequate surgical model, like the choice of the animal model itself, is extremely important for obtaining reliable valuable data. Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat summarizes a series of techniques that were applied in the Bone Biology Laboratories, School of Medicine, Rosario National University, Argentina.

Stopping just short of an exhaustive analysis of the techniques, this manual describes the basics of each surgical technique, the necessary materials, precautions to consider, the methodology to apply, and the possible results to be obtained in similar experiments.

CD-ROM: 250 Illustrations of Surgery Techniques with Step-by-Step Instruction

With succinct descriptions, color photographs, and easy-to-follow steps, the attached CD-ROM is a practical, full-color roadmap for performing various surgery techniques, such as catheterization, tracheostomy, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intraperitoneal injection, and oral intubation. This definitive work provides technical and practical data including volumes and concentrations of solutions, catheters used, equipment, and biological variables on the rat. Experimental Surgical Models in the Laboratory Rat is a complete reference for today’s biomedical sciences investigator.




Section I: Introduction

Bioethics and Animal Care, Lucas R. M. Brun and Verónica Di Loreto

Control of Stress and Distress, María F. Landoni

Management of Pain in Laboratory Animals, María F Landoni

Anesthesia and Analgesia, Verónica E. Di Loreto, Alfredo Rigalli, and Lucas F. de Candia

Euthanasia, Alfredo Rigalli

Antibiotics, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Section II: General Procedures

Operating Theatre, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Rat Identification, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Antisepsis, Sterilization, and Asepsis, Diego Holotte,- Jésica Nipoti, Maria Julia Pretini, and Verónica Di Loreto

Suture, Aneley Traverso and Alfredo Rigalli

Substances Administration, Maela Lupo, Verónica Di Loreto, and Alfredo Rigalli

Samples, Veronica Di Loreto, Laura Pera, and Alfredo Rigalli

Section III: Catheterism and Cannulation

Catheterism of the Femoral Artery and Vein, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Cardiac Catheterization, Cristina Lorenzo Carrión, Laura Krieger, Manuel Rodríguez, and Martín Donato

Cannulation of the Thoracic Duct, Gabriel A. Inchauspe and Alfredo Rigalli

Tracheostomy, Laura L. Pera and Alfredo Rigalli

Section IV: Gastrointestinal Tract

In Situ Isolation of the Stomach, Alfredo Rigalli

In Situ Isolation of the Intestinal Loop, María L. Brance, Lucas R.M. Brun, and Alfredo Rigalli

Intestinal Everted, Lucas R. M. Brun, María L. Brance, Lucas F. de Candia, and Alfredo Rigalli

In Situ Perfusion of the Small Intestine, Alfredo Rigalli

Section V: Pancreas

Experimental Models for the Study of Diabetes, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Islets of Langerhans Isolation, Alfredo Rigalli

Incubation of Pancreatic Tissue Slices, Inés Menoyo and Alfredo Rigalli

In Situ Perfusion of The Pancreas, Inés Menoyo and Alfredo Rigalli

Experimental Pancreatitis, Diego Holotte, Jésica Nipoti, Maria J. Pretini, Verónica Di Loreto, and Alfredo Rigalli

Section VI: Liver

Hepatic Circulation Impairment, Gabriel A. Inchauspe and Alfredo Rigalli

Extrahepatic Cholestasis Model, Anabel Brandoni and Adriana M. Torres

Section VII: Ablation of Endocrine Glands

Adrenalectomy, Laura Pera and Alfredo Rigalli

Ovariectomy, Verónica Di Loreto, Laura Pera, and Alfredo Rigalli

Thyroparathyroidectomy, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Parathyroid Glands, Maela Lupo and Alfredo Rigalli

Section VIII: Kidneys

Measurement Techniques of Renal Parameters, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Kidney Isolation and Perfusion, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Acute Renal Failure Models, Gisela Di Giusto and Adriana M. Torres

Renal Blood Flow Measurement, Gisela Di Giusto, Adriana M. Torres, and Alfredo Rigalli

Transport Studies in Plasma Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Renal Cortex, Gisela Di Giusto and Adriana M. Torres

Remnant Kidney Model, María V. Arcidiacono, L. A. Ramirez, V. Dalmau, and Alfredo Rigalli

Section IX: Circulatory System

Experimental Myocardial Infarction, Ignacio Seropian and Germán E. González

Experimental Arteriosclerosis, Anabel Brandoni and Adriana M. Torres

Isolated Heart: Langendorff Technique, Bruno Buchholz, Verónica D´Annunzio, and Ricardo J. Gelpi

Section X: Additional Techniques

Polyclonal Antibodies Preparation, Laura I. Pera, Lucas R. M. Brun, and Alfredo Rigalli

Histological Procedures, María L. Brance and Lucas R. M. Brun

Bones and Bone Tissue, Hilda Moreno, Mercedes Lombarte, and Verónica Di Loreto

Section XI: Miscellaneous

Equipment, Alfredo Rigalli

Solutions Preparation, Verónica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli

Normal Values In Iim/Fm Rat Subline "M", Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli








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