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[P0000COY] Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text New 적립금

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Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text 기본 정보
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Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text
Elliott Jacobson    University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine
List Price: $199.95
Cat. #: 2321
ISBN: 9780849323218
ISBN 10: 0849323215
Publication Date: 4/11/2007
Number of Pages: 736
Availability: In Stock
  • Covers viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and methods for isolation
  • Includes approximately 1400 illustrations, with most as full color photos, and many are published here for the first time
  • Provides unique coverage of electron photomicrographs in the identification of pathogens
  • Offers the latest material on serodiagnostics, molecular diagnostics, as well as immunology, histology, anatomy, and pathophysiology

    Far from the line drawings and black-and-white photos of the past, Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles features high-quality, color photos of normal anatomy and histology, as well as gross, light, and electron microscopic images of pathogens and diseases. Many of these images have never before been published, and come directly from the esteemed editor's collection documenting more than 30 years in the research of infectious diseases and veterinary care of reptiles.

    A comprehensive reference, the book includes definitive information on every aspect of the anatomy, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases affecting reptiles. Beginning with a thorough review of the biology, anatomy, and histology of reptiles, the introductory chapters cover all major systems and provide the most complete single source for color images of reptile histology. It addresses the mechanism of reptile immunology and the response to pathogens, and explains how immunological response is key to differential diagnosis. Given the difficulty in isolating certain pathogens for identification, the book provides an overview of electron microscopy, complete with electron micrographs of reptile pathogens, and introduces the necessity of molecular methods for diagnosis. The text outlines serodiagnostics and the development and use of immunological reagents specifically designed for reptiles in tests such as indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Finally, the book devotes several chapters to the viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases known to reptiles and methods for isolating these pathogens.

    With up-to-the-minute data, a never-before-seen collection of images, and a stellar panel of contributors, Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles is the definitive resource forveterinarians, biologists, and researchers involved in the study of pathogens infecting reptiles.

  • Product Description
    . Featuring 1200 high-quality, color photos of normal anatomy and histology, as well as gross, light, and electron microscopic images of pathogens and diseases, this exceptionally comprehensive atlas provides definitive information on every known infectious disease affecting reptiles. Beginning with a thorough review of reptile biology, anatomy, and histology, leading authorities then addresses specific topics such as immunology, circulating inflammatory cells, necropsy techniques, pathogen identification and isolation, molecular diagnosis, and serodiagnostics. The atlas also catalogs specific pathologies due to viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Included are numerous never-before published electron microscope findings of reptile lesions.

    From the Back Cover
    Descriptive reports on the pathology of reptiles have been around since the mid-1800s, but until recently a single text devoted to pathogens and pathology of reptiles has been lacking. Far from the line drawings and black-and-white photos of the past, Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text features high-quality, full color photos of normal anatomy and histology, as well as gross, light, and electron microscopic images of pathogens and diseases. Many of these images have never before been published, and come directly from the editor's esteemed collection documenting more than 30 years in the research of infectious diseases and veterinary care of reptiles.

    A comprehensive reference, the book includes definitive information on every aspect of the anatomy, pathophysiology, and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases affecting reptiles. Beginning with a thorough review of the biology, anatomy, and histology of reptiles, the introductory chapters cover all major systems and provide the most complete single source for color images of reptile histology. It addresses the mechanism of reptile immunology and the response to pathogens, and explains how immunological response is key to differential diagnosis. Given the difficulty in isolating certain pathogens for identification, the book provides an overview of electron microscopy, complete with numerous electron micrographs of reptile pathogens, and introduces the necessity of molecular methods for diagnosis. The text outlines serodiagnostics and the development and use of immunological reagents specifically designed for reptiles in tests such as indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Finally, the book devotes several chapters to the viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases known to reptiles and the methods for isolating these pathogens.

    With up-to-the-minute data, a never-before-seen collection of images, and a stellar panel of contributors, Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles is the definitive resource for veterinarians, biologists, and researchers involved in the study of pathogens infecting reptiles.


    Table of Contents
    Overview of Reptile Biology, Anatomy, and Histology Elliott R Jacobson
    Reptile Immunology, Francesco C. Origgi
    Circulating Inflammatory Cells, Nicole Strik, A. Rick Alleman, and Kendal E. Harr
    Reptile Necropsy Techniques, Scott P. Terell and Brian A. Stacy
    Host Response to Infectious Agents and Identification of Pathogens in Tissue Section, Brian A. Stacy and Allan P. Pessier
    Identifying Reptile Pathogens Using Electron Microscopy, Elliott R. Jacobson and Don A. Samuelson
    Molecular Diagnostics, April J. Johnson, Francesco C. Origgi, and James F.X. Wellehan
    Serodiagnostics, Elliott R. Jacob son and Francesco C. Origgi
    Viruses and Viral Diseases of Reptiles, Elliott R. Jacobson
    Bacterial Diseases of Reptiles, Elliott R. Jacobson
    Mycotic Diseases in Reptiles, Jean A. Par?and Elliott Jacobson
    Parasites and Parasitic Diseases of Reptiles, Elliott R Jacobson
    Isolation of Pathogens,
    Francesco C. Origgi and Jean A. Par


    “It clearly presents infectious reptile diseases and mechanisms for investigating these conditions. The organization of he book allows for readers of various knowledge levels. Because of this, both students and reptile pathologists will find this book to contain valuable material. Each chapter contributes to the diagnosis of infectious diseases in reptiles from various perspectives and present well-referenced, scientific information with abundant, high quality figures. … has clinical information, along with pathology and diagnostic information. This diversity of information focused on infectious diseases makes this book an excellent resource. … should sit side-by-side on the shelves of those working in reptile medicine or pathology. This book will prove informative and beneficial for students, residents, clinicians and pathologists working with reptiles.”

    —Dr. J. A. St. Leger, Seaworld, San Diego, in Veterinary Pathology, 2007


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    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
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