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[P0000CYI] Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Approach, 2nd Edition 2013 적립금

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Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Approach, 2nd Edition 2013 기본 정보
소비자가 75,000원
  • 2,200 (3.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
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  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
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상품코드 P0000CYI


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수의치과학을 오랜시간 이끌어온 Holmstrom의 새로운 핸드북입니다.

수의치과학은 임상가 혼자서 이루어지는 것 보다는 고객의 교육, 영상진단, 마취 등이 종합적으로 진행되는 팀웍이 중요하다는 부분을 강조하고 있읍니다.


From radiology and anesthesia to patient needs and client education, this handy full-color guide covers everything you need to know about veterinary dentistry. Dental procedures are presented first, with chapters on oral examinations, instruments, safety, and anesthesia, followed by coverage of more difficult areas such as endodontics. The book concludes with two very interesting chapters on marketing veterinary dentistry and commonly asked client questions, replete with proper responses. With its comprehensive coverage and team approach, Animal Dentistry is the ideal resource for both technicians and practitioners alike to use in school and professional practice.


New to This Edition

    • Inclusion of digital dental radiography develops your understanding of direct radiology versus computerized radiology and the economic considerations of both.

    • Vet Tech Threads include a variety of pedagogical features including learning objective, key terms, chapter outlines, Technician Notes, and more to help you navigate through chapters and focus your learning.

    • New full-color illustrations give you a better picture of concepts, equipment, and procedure details.

Key Features

    • Clear, heavily illustrated procedures provide a more detailed look at the skills you need to master.
    • Dental terminology is incorporated to help you master the proper language and improve office communication.

Published Reviews

    "Most practices are doing dentistry on a regular basis. The veterinary nurse is at the forefront of both the preventative and the curative care...This book examines in a very practical way all of the aspects of dental hygiene, from basic anatomy and physiology, dental equipment and instruments to the more complex procedures such as radiology, surgery and restorations or orthodontics. Hopefully, after reading this book, you will not only be able to describe what exactly a 'dental' is but you will be able to easily perform most procedures."

    Vet Nurses Today, November 2012

    "This is a comprehensive text of 434 pages  and 506 images...This text is designed to be used by both veterinarians and veterinary nurses, and the writing is clear, well ordered and comprehensive (occasionally, exhaustively so!). All photos are colour, in focus and accurate and each chapter concludes with a self-assessment worksheet...In summary, this a well-priced comprehensive, easy to read text that is suited to all members of a veterinary clinic...For those searching for a comprehensive, well-explained and very well illustrated text on veterinary dentistry for their small animal practice, this book would be a highly recommended addition to the practice library."

    Australian Veterinary Journal, March 2013

    "This book is a very well-organised introduction to the discipline of veterinary dentistry and covers the basic information required to perfrom veterinary dentistry in general practice...This book is a very useful approach for practitioners who are new to veterinary dentistry. It is also to be hoped that it will whet the appetite of many learn more of the underlying theory and, ultimately, to attend practical courses and be able to experience and practice the somewhat difficult skills described. In summary, this second edition does an excellent job of covering  the basics required to practice veterinary dentistry in a clear, concise and practical manner...the book is organised, an elegant means of sharing information and teaching, as well as making for easy reading."

    Vet Record, April 2013

    "The author is well known as an accomplished photographer and is very careful with regard to detail. This is very obvious in the selection of 506 pictures. Details are clearly visible and very few illustrations require arrows or additional notes.Construction of the book is clear and its aim to be a practical handbook fior the general practitioner wishing to provide dentistry at a good level is achieved."

    European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, June 2013



Author Information

    By Steven E. Holmstrom, DVM, Diplomate, AVDC, American Veterinary Dental College, San Carlos, CA


목차 안내


  1. Introduction to Veterinary Dentistry

  2. The Oral Examination and Disease Recognition

  3. Dental Instruments and Equipment

  4. Personal Safety and Ergonomics

  5. Local Anesthesia

  6. Pathogenesis of Periodontal Disease

  7. The Complete Prophy

  8. Home-Care Instruction and Products

  9. Periodontal Therapy

  10. Feline Dentistry

  11. Dental Radiology

  12. Exodontics (Extractions)

  13. Advanced Veterinary Dental Procedures: Periodontal Surgery, Endodontics, Restorations, and Orthodontics

  14. Rodent, Lagomorph, and Ferret Dentistry

  15. Marketing Veterinary Dentistry


Dental Equipment Inventory

AVDC Approved Definitions

AVDC Abbreviations



배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 5일
  • 배송 안내 : - 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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교환 및 반품 정보

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- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과
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